Most Popular Tech Gadgets for the Holidays

Gadgets will no doubt be on everyone’s list this holiday season. Here are a few of the most popular gifts that include everything from the pricey gadgets to stocking stuffers.
iPhone 4S
It’s no surprise the 4S is the hot gadget on everyone’s list this year. The 8 mega-pixel camera and the sleek look are big attractions. The 4S may have gotten a bad rap at first, but all the 3G users who were ready for an upgrade got the full effect of what the 4S has to offer, not to mention the iPhone virgins are getting a sweet phone without any glitches. The IPhone 4 users may feel they got the raw end of the deal, but I’m sure they aren’t complaining about the quick app and Internet connection. One of the most popular features on the IPhone 4S is the virtual personal assistant, Siri. Siri will interact with your iPhone Calendar and other settings so you can program your schedules and reminders. You can ask Siri where to get some good Indian food and it will tell you. It doesn’t get much cooler than that.
The Kindle Fire Tablet
The reasonable sale price of $199 seems to be sweetening the deal for the Kindle Fire Tablet from Amazon. The seven-inch screen is also more compact than the iPad’s 9.7 inch screen. That’s pretty tempting for someone on a budget this year.
Apple TV
Apple fans will love the streaming services of Apple TV. You can watch all the movies, TV shows, photo slideshows, etc… on your wide-screen TV. Everything you’ve purchased on iTunes and Netflix will stream from your computer onto your HDTV. You can download onto any iOS device (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) and computers with iTunes. All your movie and music purchases are saved on iCloud so you can always re-stream, and the best part it’s only $99.
Video Games for the PS3
Besides the coveted Gift Cards that all the kids love to get and is one of the most popular gifts this season, video games always make the list. The top games for the PS3 this year are:
Mass Effect 2 by Electronic Arts. A science Fiction Adventure.
FIFA Soccer 12 by Electronic Arts
MLB11:The Show new and improved features and as close to the real thing as you can get.
Stocking Stuffer Ideas!
iPhone Microscope
This great little gadget fits right on your iPhone 4 and turns the camera feature on your phone into one with macro technology! A mini microscope with 100x magnification!
Emergency Phone Charger
Great for long car rides or any situation you may anticipate a need for some back up. The simple charger uses double AA batteries and will give you an extra 2 hours of talk time.
An ingenious idea for the tablet that is awkward to use. Try using it on your lap without it sliding off your lap. Can’t be done! Not until the PadPivot came along. Just attach it to your thigh and it will stay put while you cruise the internet or read a great book off your eReader. It’s compatible with a variety of tablets and is only $30.
Lomography Camera
Instagram is a hot app for the iPhone that is all the rage. It takes vintage pictures that make everything look like it’s 1956. Well why not try the real deal. The style of photography is called Lomography. The Diana F+ camera was the original lomography camera that’s been making a comeback and you can buy the Diana Mini 35mm Camera for the full effect! The compact plastic camera has a wide angle lens with four focal distances. It’s simple to use with easy to use settings and you can take pictures in two different formats on one roll of 35mm film with a flick of a button and all for a mere $50!

Just a few ideas for your gift giving this year.

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