Moral Messiness

(used by permission of Christian Devotions) (excerpt from Morning Meditations by Martin Wiles)

Proverbs 28:2 When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. (NLT)

I noticed it shortly after moving in-an unsteady spot covered by weeds and grass behind our house. Little did we know what lay below.

The area became more noticeable after cleaning up our backyard for a garden. Fearing it was a concealed well, we covered the section with mulch, surrounded it with a small white fence and placed potted plants on top, making it safe for us and others. When the pots began to partially sink and some of the mulch started disappearing, I decided to consult the landlord.

I attempted to show him the unsteadiness of the section by jumping on it. Suddenly the ground began disappearing beneath my feet. Fearing I would soon be well bait, I quickly leaped to solid ground. What we discovered was not a well but a rotten top on the septic tank. I’m not sure which I would have preferred falling into.

This verse is often used to warn of the dangers ungodly leaders pose. But perhaps the meaning extends deeper. Moral rot is the foundational problem. Leaders are not always corrupted by their position. Some were already tainted.

And the application reaches beyond leaders. When the citizens of any nation are characterized by moral laxity and corruption, the nation suffers. The consequences will be greater than falling into a sewer-though the resulting smell will be similar.

Godliness exalts a nation while moral sleaze leads to demise. Selfishness often lies at the root of moral corruption. I will help pass laws that benefit me. I will elect leaders who think like I do. I will ignore laws I don’t agree with-laws telling me what I’m doing is wrong or unwise. It’s my body. I’ll do what I want with it. The tentacles of selfishness reach far and wide.

So I must decide. Will I contribute to the problem or the solution? Will I grow tentacles of morality through spreading love, compassion, obedience and integrity in my nation, or will I spray the poison of selfishness and greed?

Prayer: Righteous Father, may we follow the example of Your Son in action so we can spread moral cleanliness in our world.

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