Michele Bachmann, a Female Rick Scott, Can She Do the Political Tango or What?

Nearly four years ago, I would never have imagined that any other candidate for President could make me more nauseous than Sarah Palin, but Michelle Bachmann has changed my mind. As I watched her this morning on CBS’s Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, it was like watching a replay of her last appearance on that political news program. Mr. Schieffer would ask Bachmann a question and she would do what she does best the “roundabout slide” and never answer. She is one of the best political dancers I have ever seen. She can do the political slide (moving from side to sid) depending on what floor she is dancing on. She can do the political robot,(repeating what she has been programmed to say) and getting stuck like a bad CD if the question is not programmed in her memory. Lastly, she is the master of the “Obama Mash” (squashing the truth) about the Obama Administration to make her pot of Idaho Potatoes taste politically better.

Bachmann’s mouth is an audio billboard of herself, her past experiences, and what she or others have convinced her that she has the intelligence, political savvy or common sense to do as our nation’s leader. Offended by the portrait of her on Newsweek Magazine she incessantly cackles and I often think that if Archie Bunker was around he would tell her to stifle herself. If Bachmann removed President Obama’s name from her speeches, they would likely be very short and very boring.

The Bachmann campaign reminds me of the most recent Florida gubernatorial election. The people of my home state of Florida voted into office another Tea Party Republican who was under investigation for fraudulent activities before he ran for office. Now my fellow Floridians whine about those things he has taken away. He has closed state offices including some officers of state employees that protect and serve its citizens. A famous poet once said that we should listen to who people tell us they are not from who they say they are but who they show themselves to be. If the people of Florida had listened to the candidate Rick Scott, they would not have elected him their governor. If the people of Florida had listened to the candidate Rick Scott they would not be surprised by the actions he has taken as governor. He had shown them who he was when he was head of the gigantic Columbia/HCA hospital chain; he was a liar, a con man and a cheater before and he is showing as their governor he is still the same.

During this morning’s Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer asked Ms. Bachmann about a statement that she made in South Carolina about God Using the Weather to Send People Messages. She claims that she is a Christian and that she believes in God and the Bible. Either you are a Christian and beleive the word of God or you are not. I am a Christian, I believe in God and the Bible says in Revelations that in the last days that mankind would experience floods, fires, earthquakes and the like. Ms. Bachmann never answered Bob Schieffer; she did the political hustle and shuffled her response to say that Irene was destructive to the East Coast (something I imagine she thought that none of us knew). When Schieffer asked her the question “duck and bob” fashion she said that she was speaking metaphorically.

If you Ms. Bachmann chose not to answer a simply closed ended question such as “Does God Use the Weather to Send Messages to People” and you claim to be a Christian how can anyone trust anything that you say and more importantly that which you do not say?

The only different between Bachmann and Rick Scott is their gender. What makes her different than the other publican, Tea Party Republican or Independent candidates, nothing I can see and certainly nothing I have heard. Keep using President Obama as the mantra of your empty campaign agenda and you might slide dance your way out of the ring and find that you are not a contender.

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