Make a St. Patrick’s Day Blarney Stone (A Preschool Craft)

Begin this project by telling your preschool students about the legend of the Blarney Stone. You can find information online about the Blarney Stone here and here. Children are fascinated by legends of all kinds and the Blarney Stone legend is sure to be an attention getter as it involves St. Patrick’s Day and leprechauns. Well, you can add some leprechauns to the story if you wish! After sharing the Blarney Stone legend (and showing pictures of the actual Blarney Stone, if you like), tell your students that they will each be making their very own Blarney Stone to take home.

Supplies for Blarney Stone Craft for Preschoolers

rocks (Make sure that the rock is small enough to be held in the child’s hand, but large enough to easily decorate. Also, clean the rock before handing it to the student.)
green, black and yellow paint paintbrushes googly eyes sequins glitter craft glue

Instructions for Making the Blarney Stone Craft for Preschoolers

1. Let each of your students enjoy the sensory experience of feeling the stone. Encourage them to roll it in their hands and even smell it! You can encourage them to smell it again after the craft is complete. It will have the added scents of paint and glue at that time.

2. Have your students paint their stones with the green paint.

3. Instruct your students to put two dots of glue where they want the eyes on their stones.

4. Pass out two googly eyes to each child and tell them to stick the googly eyes to the dots of glue.

5. Have your preschool students use the black paint to add a nose and mouth to each stone.

6. If they want, let your students add more drops of glue to the stones and then cover the glue with sequins and glitter to add some pizazz!

7. Let the glue and paint dry.

There you have it: a jazzy Blarney Stone for each student to take home and enjoy. Your preschool students will also be able to use and improve their language skills by telling their parents and friends the legend of the Blarney Stone. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all!

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