Leadership/Basic: Elements of Strategy, Mass and Economy

The elements of strategy are interrelated, the more you use one the more you find it connects with the others. This is the case with the mass or concentration of resources and the use of economy of force. Where one intends to use mass numbers and shear force concentrated on a single point, the other elements regards this as waste. These two elements must be worked together for the most efficient and long-term plans to be effective. Thus the concepts of efficiency, technology advantages and expenditure begin to show how they affect any plan. Remembering to gain advantages via such concepts then makes the strategy work with the least amount of force and resources.

Concentration of elements and resources to solve a problem imparts an attitude of importance on this problem. As the mass force is centered and prepared to bring all to bear, attention is gained by this perception. As all attention and focus is directed the stress factors involved subject this point to every increasing level of attention and demands. This mass or concentration element strategically develops this focused attention on perceived points in gaining resources and opposition’s weaknesses. Concentrated efforts produced only by massive amounts of resources meant to overwhelm the opposition at any location or point that the leader requires. The same pulls resources away from other points requiring the use of such as well; expending these leaves them unavailable for other uses.

The massing of opposition forces is a signal of impending danger; this gathers attention and directs defenses at the same focused points. The concentration of forces makes a decisive spot appear simply because attention and importance is directed to this point by someone. Whether any real importance exists or not may not be considered, responding to either the oppositions focus or the needs of battle requires a response to the threat. Thus the defense must build around the same point, resistance to the action meant by the assaulting force incurs more lose of resources.

Mass or concentration has been involved in built-up positions throughout our history, using construction and engineering to assist in developing new resources. But these are no longer as important or effective as they once were. The weakness of such structures are noted, new technologies come along to reveal more efficient means and less cost. Thus plans can be drawn to develop tools countering the established positions; any strength given is in time gone. Start concentrating force by observing the weaknesses and how to exploit them; this through the natural senses that input references directly to the brain an understanding. The references or understanding should be in regards to concepts the individual accepts and reasons with. Thus when massing, resources are presented to apply decisions based on facts and understandings by those in command and in line operations. Nothing can be defended forever, every action against such removes resources applied; only time allows new resources to be applied and made strong once more.

The major problem with concentrating assets and resources comes from the expenditure of such on a less than optimal engagement. This brings into play the next element: Economy of Force. Distractions and minor engagements will remove your resources, the ones you need most of all in any major engagement to come. Knowing the difference between what is minor and what is major is a matter of artistry for the craftsman, experience of training and a creative mind to combine into the answer. Those without such capabilities or the resources to gain such expend resources wildly and gain little. This lack of concentration starts with a lack of mind and control over the elements discussed. Thus victory must first be achieved in the mind to achieve the same in reality. Realizing the importance of an objective before the battle allows the force to be applied as needed where it is needed and when.

Contact: Michael Pulse [email protected] Author of: The Truth of Things

Website: www.truth-things.biz CEO of Stone Rose LLC.

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