Kate Gosselin Joins the Ranks of the Unemployed

According to many media reports, Kate Gosselin, mom of 8 and former reality star is freaking out. It seems that TLC’s cancellation of her reality show “Kate Plus 8″ came as a shock to her and now she is wondering where her next paycheck will come from.

When Kate Gosselin and her former husband Jon first entered the reality television world, Kate was a registered nurse. With the birth of the sextuplets and reality fame, Kate had a total transformation that went beyond giving up working as a nurse. She got plastic surgery, expensive hair extensions and appeared to live “fat” off of exploiting her children on television.

When her marriage went bad, as many viewers expected, she and Jon aired their dirty laundry wherever they could. Jon fought Kate going on with the reality show that he felt was detrimental to their children but the truth is that TLC was not offering him a paycheck anymore.

The show went on without Jon and viewers got weary of Kate’s outbursts and prima donna behavior. It might have come as a surprise to Kate that TLC cancelled Kate Plus 8 but not to anyone else.

Kate told People Magazine that reports of exactly how much money she made off of her reality show are greatly exaggerated but it did enable the family to move into a large home in a better neighborhood. Kate has spent the last few years living like a celebrity, getting expensive beauty treatments and treating herself to the finest designer clothing.

As Kate Gosselin is crying poverty, she recently went out and bought a new Audi sportscar. Estimated to be in the $50,000 range and certainly not able to accommodate 8 children, one has to wonder about Kate’s priorities.

The common denominator for many reality television stars is that their 15 minutes of fame does not last as long as they would like. They spend their money as if their moment in the spotlight will never end.

Kate Gosselin is not a likeable personality. It is tough to make it through an episode of Kate Plus 8 and listen to her whining, demanding and un-mother like attitude towards her children. A houseful of children can be chaotic but other reality moms handle it much better than Kate Gosselin.

The novelty of “Jon and Kate Plus 8″ and the follow-up show “Kate Plus 8″ has gone stale. Viewers have too many reality shows to choose from and it is disturbing for most to watch these poor children as they are ignored, reprimanded and denied attention by their mother who seems to believe that she is a “real” celebrity. All Kate Gosselin is is a woman who gave birth to multiples.

So now Kate Gosselin finds herself unemployed just like many Americans. She wants to maintain the “lifestyle” she has provided for her children and is looking for another large payout. The truth is that she sold her children in order to live high and now the party is over.

It is time for Kate to downsize and get a real job. She should have been putting money away for her children’s therapy sessions because they are going to need it. She was too busy living like a celebrity and her children’s future was not a concern. Hopefully the good people of Pennsylvania (where the Gosselins live) will not have to support this family.

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