Just What is a Career Politician?

Have you ever noticed how politicians or those running for elected office accuse each other of being career politicians? I began asking myself just what is a career politician and is that so bad.

Apparently men and women run because they feel like they have the qualifications, vision and know-how to get the job done. Most seem to have a sense of strong confidence. You would almost have to in order to put up with the constant mudslinging that seems to just be a part of the overall political process.

How often when you go to your doctors do you say, He’s a career physician? I know I want someone who has knowledge of my particular health concerns when administering some form of treatment. When you’re sporting that new hairstyle or hair cut do you refer to your hairstylist or barber as being career? While you’re sitting on the tarmac waiting to be lifted into the air on that jet, do you tell your seat-mate, the pilot is a career pilot? If you’re a parent wanting your children to have a successful academic career do you accuse the teachers of being career teachers? The answer most likely is no. For all the aforementioned jobs, I want them to be experienced and the best at what they do. By taking additional classes or continuing education courses they hone in on their professional skills. To me, that’s a good thing.

Why then is it so bad to be a career politician? I’d like to think that could be a positive thing if they are actually working tirelessly on behalf of the people whom they serve. Wouldn’t you want someone who has experience in the field in which they are entering? And when politicians are accused of being tainted with the politics of Washington, what will happen if they are elected? Will they then be excluded from the claims that they accuse their rival competitors of having become?

If government is the problem, I often wonder why they dedicate their life or career in the field of politics. Is not politics for the most part dealing with government issues?

Just as other professionals are required to polish up on their skills, I think politicians should do the same. Far gone are the days when politicians can wholeheartedly disagree with one another but still be respectful to each other. I think politicians should be required to spend a good portion of their time actually working with their constituents in all areas of their city. Let them get down in the trenches of society with the common folk. Let them not be so far removed from the problems that we face. Sadly that will never happen.

The political season is here. For the next 13 months we will hear pundits and political strategists give their biased opinions on the different candidates. It’s a good thing that I have enough intelligence to formulate my own opinions on the candidates. And when November 2012 rolls around, I will happily cast my ballot as a proud American citizen. I count it an honor and a wonderful privilege. And as long as the candidates are getting the job done and making a positive difference in our nation, career or non-career politician, I can live with that.


Personal opinion and observation

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