Jobs, Jobs, and More Jobs

Soon after Labor Day, on September 8, President Obama will reveal his strategy to get America working again. I for one hope it’s a plan that encompasses from 3 million to 3 1/2 million potential employees, at a cost of more than one trillion dollars. Of course hard working teaheads will go nuts. They’d rather see more employees lose their jobs with no assistance in retaining their dignity, as long as Richie Rich and Daddy Warbucks continue to prosper in this fragile economic environment. I seriously don’t understand their thinking. Republicans have let it be known they’re prepared to balance our budget on the backs of the middle class, while the oober wealthy business owners and individuals stand beside them with chains and whips. Yet middle class teaheads not only listen with their eyes, they see with their ears.

If you read all of the legislation put forth and voted on in the House, You’ll see the GOP agenda. Now, if you still go along with the GOP agenda after deciphering this information, I’d have to say you’re either blind, crippled, or crazy (which would qualify you for disability, if you weren’t against government programs). How else can you explain voting against one’s own better interests? The emphasis right now should be on getting America back to work. Period. Exclamation point. I realize simply reducing unemployment may not be as sexy to Republicans in office as say ending Medi-Care as we know it, or redefining rape, but it’s a top priority to every American regardless of race, gender, or political affiliation.

This game of denying the American people opportunities simply because you don’t like our President is juvenile. And it’s even more juvenile when the GOP denies the fastest growing group of voters, unemployed workers, so much as a chance to re-enter the job market. Knuckleheads like Eric Cantor is really feeling his oats when he makes a statement on national news markets that we can assist the victims of hurricane Irene as long as we cut this, that, and the other out of our budget. If this man isn’t insane he sure plays the role well on the boob tube. This is the type of unvarnished power America gave to the extreme right when we allowed teaparty kooks an in.

I’m 56 years of age, and as long as I can remember this country never held its citizens hostage to the dollar after a national catastrophe. Obviously Cantor has his priorities skewed. First and foremost we help our fellow Americans, then we tally the cost. The voters in Eric Cantor’s congressional district who elected this moron have to be scratching their collective heads in disgust. Virginia, his home state, suffered enormously and this hypocrite who personally requested federal aid just a few years ago is imitating Ebeneezer Scrooge, before his transformation.

And this kind of mentality is what President Obama faces when he unveils his 2011 works program next week. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead is a great motto for the U.S. Navy, but terrible when it’s applied to citizens struggling to regain their dignity. Everything our President suggests goes in one ear and out the other with these teaheads. Republicans are so caught up in their web of deceit they can’t see the forest for the trees. It doesn’t matter the President may have some great ideas to put America back to work, these people are slaves to their own ignorance. Well, get over it. We do have a Democratic President who happens to be African-American; and we also have astronomically high unemployment. Sure the perpetual racists and otherwise haters won’t appreciate them treating the President of the United States as well, the President of the United States…but independent voters, and pragmatic Republicans for that matter will.

Teaheads in Congress and the Senate won in 2010 by asking where’s the beef with regard to full employment, then sat on their thumbs working hard to legislate a social agenda. There’s a time and place for everything. And the time, right now, is for a robust jobs agenda. Forget your personal and political agendas that benefit maybe ten percent of the population, and get started on the important legislative agenda.

Of course Republicans unveiled their new and improved ideas for stimulating job growth, the only problem, it consists of the same lame initiatives in somewhat different packaging. Stripping regulations by the EPA which are burdensome to polluters are at the top of their list. It’s like the GOP is saying “we can add jobs, but only if big business can declare a scorched earth policy on our natural resources”. I don’t understand Republicans. It’s as if they don’t have kids, or grand-kids, or either don’t give a damn about the earth they might inherit. It would be better to save Richie Rich and Daddy Warbucks a few dinero, than protect natural resources; and if my kids die, they just die, as long as I can earn a few brownie points from big business and oodles of dollars in their coiffures now.

Well, our President’s hands are tied. Should he unveil a massive jobs program the teaheads will scream like banshees. But should he reveal a smaller jobs initiative, teaheads will scream like baby banshees. For mine, I hope Obama grows a nutsack and puts the biggest works program as possible on the table. And when Republicans react, like Republicans react, use the bully pulpit to highlight their impotence. It’s worth a try.

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