“It Ain’t Gonna Happen” Cain Responds to Accusers

BREAKING NEWS: Herman Cain responded in a news conference held today on CNN TVNews on accusations of sexual harassment.

Reporter: Sexual harassments in the food service industry are often very real. How did you respond to them?
Cain: “Yes I have seen instances that can be perceived as sexual harassment. I made sure that they were not tolerated in any situations.”

Reporter: Now a total of four women who have accused you of sexual harassment. Where is it coming from?
Cain: ” No factual evidence to back this up. Some people don’t want Cain to become President. There will probably be others because to keep a business man out of the presidency will be relentless. Try and slander my motivation and character.”

Reporter: Karen Kraushaar has come forward publically with her sexual accusations. What do you say to her’?
Cain: “That is one that I recall. They found it to be baseless. The restaurant association handled it as an ‘agreement’. It was not legal implications.”

Reporter: Now there is a fourth woman who has come forward with the accusations.

Cain : Cain responded as “Does not remember the fourth accuser. I feel the accusations disturbing and fake”.
While Cain insisted on his good morals and respect for women, he was also willing to take a lie detector test if necessary.

Cain also targeted the Democratic party when he said, “We can only look at coincidence that someone is deliberately behind it.”. He firmly thinks it could be the ‘democratic machine’ behind the allegations

While Cain relentlessly denied all accusations against him on sexual misconduct, as of now, Cain has still not tackled the first issue on the ‘agreement’ made by the Restaurant Association on his behalf. And, until he does clarify that incident, sadly Cain continues to remain in the red!


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