How I Am Planning a Vacation to Disney World

What is the ultimate family vacation? Disney World and rock concerts and we need to start planning a vacation now. In the summer of 2012, Disney World Resorts is hosting summer concerts and this is the year of magic for the kids. They will be heading to the platinum version of Disney World Resorts in Flordia, we are planning a vacation with two weeks of nothing but spoiled rottenness.

Steps for Planning a Vacation to Disney World

Why go to Disney World this year-

Even though I love doing things with the family, there needs to be an easy escape for the parents on a family vacation. A free music concert every night is one that doesn’t drive the cost through the roof, like at Vegas. Never take the kids to Vegas!

How to make it to Disney World from Michigan-

I live in Michigan and the most efficient way to make this family vacation is to fly to Florida and arrive in Florida’s beautiful Orlando International Airport. From there it’s all buses and walking as the Disney’s Magical Express Transportation takes care of the rest. Walking should not be an issue as the kids are just the right age to keep up a good pace and want to kill a little extra energy in the process. As well, my wife and I truly enjoy a good walk with nothing but the sun and sites of Florida awaiting our family vacation.

When am I planning a vacation to go to Disney World-

The summer of 2012 is just right because the kids will still enjoy the wonders of real life magic and free concerts, bonus! The figurines will represent the real deal to the kids while completely entertaining them for years to come. If we wait, the magic might be lost for the oldest and, of course, as brothers share everything, once the magic is lost for the eldest the rest get an unexpected update.

How much will my vacation to Disney World cost-

Walt Disney did not make it cheap, although the prices are more affordable for the modern American than ever before. The average going rates are $67 U.S. dollars (USD) a night in the resort hotel. The tickets can run a pricy $80 USD a day for special events but the deal packages make it much more affordable. The platinum package provides everything from meals to deals on tickets and other events.

All said and done including the 4 round trip tickets, we plan on saving at least $3000 USD. Sounds like a lot, but airline tickets are very unpredictable. Disney alone will see over $1500 USD for a week’s worth of great family fun. If we give ourselves six months to save, we would only need to take out just over $100 USD a week, but since we already started six months ago we only need to keep an extra $50 USD.

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