GOP Candidate Rick Perry Poised with a Plan for Prosperity

COMMENTARY | He came on like gangbusters, collided with Herman Cain, and competed with Mitt Romney the entire time. Rick Perry rode the roller coaster of GOP candidacy, and the ride isn’t over yet. He has charged up his campaign with a solid jobs plan, pushing him past other candidates on the subject with more than just musings.

Energizing American Jobs

Perry’s plan would create 1.2 million jobs by activating energy resources here at home. The plan has three prongs: Opening federal lands to drilling; removing restrictions on business, especially energy; disabling the overreach of the EPA. Sounds like a plan for results, one with a clarity like none we’ve heard before.

Perry’s plan flies in the face of no plan at all from Obama. He pooh-poohed Perry’s energy plan on grounds of no innovation or development of alternative energy resources. Should those other sources and innovation be likened to the stunning success of Solyndra? We’ve got the technological innovation and known energy resources right here at home. Perry says, how ’bout it partner, let’s put em’ to work, right here and now!

We already have what it takes

Okay, I’m paraphrasing Perry, but the key phrases to note are right here at home, known energy resources, and technological innovation. The U.S. has these three in spades but the brakes have been applied by the likes of Obama and his arms, including the EPA, Congress, and the elite PC mindset that says all that is good is bad, stupid, or dirty.

Perry’s plan is as much about creating the jobs we once had as it is about washing the brainwashed with real soap and water. Of course, Perry wouldn’t say it like that, but I would and just did. Let Perry put to work what we already have, safely, securely, sanely.

Mr. President says…

Perry’s plan would proceed by executive order. No waiting decades for Congress to approve. No congressional decisions about whether to come to work because they don’t like what’s on the agenda. And no future promises but action to get those going here and now. Well, after Perry is elected president, that is.

Perry’s plan stands for the action-oriented doer that he is. This contrasts sharply to an administration that puts the brakes on things, blocking any good that might arise by applying overbearing restrictions, corruption, and payments to Party by corporate cronies who want to play in the big government game.

Other GOP candidates play up promises disguised as plans, save perhaps Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, which takes a one-dimensional approach by reducing taxes. Good, but not enough, and he doesn’t say exactly how jobs come out of it all.

A plan for now to get us to our future

Mainstreamers and left-wingers alike call Perry’s plan everything from ‘dirty’ and ‘polluting’ to ‘stupid.’ This has been said about the air you exhale and the people who do it too often. These are the same folks who know nothing of the clean technologies for producing both traditional and untraditional resources right now here at home. And a lot like a highfalutin teapot calling the old iron kettle that gets the water boiling black. Or liking a windmill that doesn’t work. Or liking when nobody works at all because working exploits people.

Those of us who are planners know that not much good happens without a good plan and a kettle that works. Perry’s plan for jobs creation by energy resource development can springboard the nation out of its current slump. The future then becomes what we plan it to be. One that works and puts people to work in the process.


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