Five Tips to Wean Toddler from Sippy Cups

At a certain age, a child shouldn’t be on a Sippy anymore. Only the parents can decide this, no one else. When you do decide to go ahead and switch, take it slow so that your child will not resist it as much and may actually welcome the change.

Take baby steps
Do not expect a huge change overnight, it will take a few days before they will get use to drinking out of a regular cup. Take your time and don’t move too fast it will only overwhelm the child. Instead do something new everyday, such as a regular cup with a lid and straw one day and then the next no lid with a straw! Before too long you may be able to eliminate the sippy at night time as well.

Picking out their own
It really gets a child excited when they get to pick out their own special cup with their very favorite cartoon character or person on it. It may influence the toddler to actually give up or forget the sippy cups all together.

If your child likes to walk around with the cup, you dont have to be worried all the time that your child will spill. Pick out cups that you can put a lid of some kind over it with a straw in it. It’s still a regular cup, but gives some kind of barrier between your floor and the choice of drink in the cup.

Water Only
In the beginning days, you toddler WILL spill at on point or another. Don’t punish them for such things, they didn’t do it on purpose (unless they actually did do it on purpose) simple make sure its only water which is easy to clean up and still very good for your kids.

Take a step back if needed
If they get too overwhelmed or just seem to not be able to handle the cup yet, move back to the sippy and try again in a week or two. Your toddler will be ready before too long and you will be sippy free at last!

Moving to a sippy free house is not as stressful as it needs to be, there are other changes that will be worse than removing a sippy cup. You can make this a fun event for your child, making them feel like a big girl or boy. Have fun with it.

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