Bible Verses that Motivate and Inspire

The Bible is a universal source of inspiration and motivation that teaches and encourages readers to lead fulfilling lives. During challenging times Bible verses provide guidance and support with stories that almost anyone can understand. Every day we reach out to others through efforts to make strides in the world and this is achieved by building and maintaining relationships. Whether they are with family, friends or associates, relationships are the network of life. Good relationships make us feel the highest of highs, while bad relationships cause the lowest of lows.

Proverbs 3:31 states “Do not envy the oppressor, and choose none of his ways…”

Understanding that at times it feels as if we are in situations that cause pain or depression, it is important to remember that those we love sometimes do not know the best way to show it and in doing so we must find it within our hearts to be more loving, kind and forgiving.

“Forgive, and you will be forgiven…” Luke 6:37

This passage poignantly illustrates this point. I was once in a relationship with someone who was as close to a best friend I ever had. In my six years of spending time with this person, I felt I knew them very well, only to find out later that there was a great amount of deceptive and disloyalty between us. It took nearly three years for me to understand my role in the outcome of that failed relationship and over time I learned to resolve my feelings and forgive for the hurt I was caused. I also learned to forgive myself and in doing so, opened many doors to a healthy and bright future.

Most Bible readers associate Psalm 23 with the transition of death, but there is another way to interpret the passage that brings comfort and love to feelings of unbearable pain.

“I will fear no evil, as you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23

Regardless of the circumstance, the comfort of God’s power to heal is felt in this passage. It is love in its’ purest form, because we know that strength and courage to move on stems from having the presence of God by our side. God desires the best in life for ourselves and those we love and when reading the Bible you find constant reminders that our goals in life are no bigger than the effort we give them.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Mathew 7:7

Mathew 7:7 can be applied to relationships, health, employment and all others areas of life that bring challenges.

“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Mathews 7:8

Mathews 7:8 is an inspiration to me because life is about perseverance and taking hold of opportunities, whether we create them ourselves, or are given them by chance, we will achieve our goals with vision and hard work. When we are afraid of the blessings from going after goals and dreams, they become blocked, leading to a never ending cycle of disappointment.

“Do not be afraid…for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near, and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.” Luke 12:32

As one of my favorite Bible verses, Luke 12:32 tells us to follow our hearts and our desires will be found. During a time when everyone is being faced with economic uncertainty, the message of this passage and all the passages mentioned, transcend differences between people and brings the common denominator of faith to our lives to remind us to have hope, keep dreaming and act on our innermost dreams and desires.


The Holy Bible New King James Version, Proverbs 3:31

The Holy Bible New International Version, Luke 6:37,12:32; Psalm 23; Mathew 7:7-7:8

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