All Scriptures in the Bible Are Inspired by God

There are thousands of inspirational bible verses in the bible. If you have not had a chance to review or study them, take the time to find out what hope the bible has for all of mankind as we live in these critical times near the end of this wicked system. Keep on reading and you will walk away feeling confident that there is a better place in a new righteous world.

2 Timothy 3:1-5. These bible verses tell us that we are living in the last days and critical times that are hard to deal with will be here. Men will be lovers of money, children will be disobedient, and most people will be lovers of pleasures rather that lovers of god. These words inspire us to endure when we are mistreated and expect hardships to come our way. Every time I hear about a murder. I think about these bible verses. John 5:28-29. John writes about the resurrection that is going to occur in god’s new world here on earth. During this time, Jesus will resurrect our dead loved ones from their memorial tombs. It is very inspiring to know that one day we may all see our family members and friends that have died. My brother drowned in a swimming pool. It’s the inspirational bible verses like these that remind me that I may see him during the resurrection. Revelation 21:1-4. In these bible verses, we learn that Jehovah god will not abandon those who are loyal and faithful to him. Most importantly, these scriptures tell us that death and pain will be a thing of the past in the new world. God promises us that he will be with his people and he will help them. It is very wonderful to know that no one will die in god’s new world. A friend of mine is confined to a wheelchair. Bible verses that inspirational give me and him the hope that he will definitely walk in the new system. Isaiah 33:24. “And no resident will say: I am sick.” Today, there are millions of people all over the world that are sick. A lady told me that her friend’s blood pressure was over 200. The medication cost $500.00 and he could not afford it. However, the bible offers us hope. If you are sick, the bible tells us that there is going to be a time when no one will become sick. For instance, there will be no health care plans, no doctors, no hospitals, and no medicine. What a relief! Psalms 145:16. The Holy Scripture say this about Jehovah: “You are opening your hand and satisfying the desires of every living thing.” Our loving creator does not discriminate he loves every one of us. Psalms 37:9-11, the Psalmist gives us comfort because wicked and evil people will not be able to do bad things to good people. There is going to be an abundance of peace on the earth one day. For example, there will be no automatic weapons, no weapons of mass destruction, no wars, and no terrorist attacks. Isaiah 65:22. “They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.” The new world offers us all a home of our own and satisfying work.” Consider this: there will be no lay-offs, no unemployment, no government checks, and no stimulus package. We will all be able to say good-by to the recession.

Finally, the bible is gods’ promised word to us. Listen to what the apostle Paul had to say at 2 Timothy 3:16,17, “All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully equipped for every good work.” Not only does Jehovah’s words inspire us, but it gives us the hope of everlasting life on earth. Reading bible verses to inspire you is a good idea.


Bible: The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures


Awake! Magazine: June 1, 2011

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