A Toy Dog and a Big Mac

My first Valentine’s Days with my now husband, Sean, was back in 2006. I was working as a Teaching Assistant at Wright State University in Dayton, OH. By this point in my relationship, everyone in the department was used to seeing Sean wait for me in my office. Well, this particular day I had to teach a lab. When I walked into my office I saw him sitting in my comfy chair, holding a Valentine’s Day tin pal with a little red and white stuffed dog and about half the candy missing in the pal! On top of that Sean was sound asleep, snoring!! My fellow TA’s were beside themselves, laughing; Sean’s really loud when he snores. I woke him up with a kiss and he smiled at me. I guess he didn’t realize that I was going to be gone so long.

After I cleaned up and finished my paperwork, we ended up going to McDonald’s for our Valentine’s Day date; Sean was broke. Do you know how weird it is to walk into a fast food restaurant on the most romantic day of the year to order a Big Mac?! The place was pretty empty, which was sorta nice, but some of the guys behind the counter couldn’t believe that this was were we came for our date, not to mention I PAID!! Sitting in a McDonald’s eating a Big Mac and drinking a Coke. I thought this kind of date only happened to teenagers, not grown adults! All in all we had a load of fun, but nothing could beat a toy dog, half eaten candy, a sleeping man, and a Big Mac for my first Valentine’s Day!

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