5 Fun Winter Activities for Senior Citizens to Enjoy

Winter is a great time for senior citizens to take the opportunity to try something new. Coping with the cold weather can be challenging, however you may find that these five ideas for wintertime fun may be just what is needed to get you through until the warmer winds arrive.

Take a Dance Class

Dancing has become quite popular ever since “Dancing with the Stars” became a fan favorite. Senior citizens can also enjoy twirling across the dance floor while learning the waltz or even the salsa. Find a place that has dance lessons or grab a video to learn at home. Either way, it can be a fun and healthy way to enjoy the winter months.

Learn Computer Skills

Older people seem to think that computer skills can only be learned by the younger generation. However, the computer is not as hard as it looks. Now might be a great time to learn to be computer saavy. Many local colleges offer computer classes for any age. This is also a great way to meet new people who may be in the same boat as you are.

Take a Day Trip

If you are not able to head to Florida or Arizona like some senior citizens do, how about a trip for a day or two just to get away from it all? A day trip can be loads of fun for groups or just a couple of close friends. There are shopping trips, museums to explore or even just to relax at a spa for a day. A few of these day trips every winter may just chase away those winter blues.

Learn a New Craft or Hobby

A person of any age can learn a new hobby or craft. How about taking up wood crafting or maybe learning to crochet? Scrapbooking is also a fun and rewarding hobby to take on. Older folks have many photos and memories to be placed into a scrapbook to be kept for future generations to enjoy. What a great idea to pass along.

Grab a Friend and Exercise

Exercise is so important for seniors. It helps to keep those muscles and joints loosened up which also helps to keep the aches and pains away. A great way to get your body moving is to head to your local mall to join the many walkers that are already enjoying this benefit. It is a dry and warm way to get in a good workout. Another good exercise is pool exercising. The water is gentle on the joints and swimming is fun for anyone.

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