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What is the most effective OTC sleep aid

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most effective OTC sleep aid”,you can compare them.

The most effective OTC sleep aids are those that contain Diphenhydramine , such as Benedryl, Nytol, Sleepinal and Sominex. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-effective-otc-sleep-aid ]
More Answers to “What is the most effective OTC sleep aid
What is the most effective OTC sleep aid
The most effective OTC sleep aids are those that contain Diphenhydramine , such as Benedryl, Nytol, Sleepinal and Sominex. ChaCha!
How to Select the Most Effective OTC Sleep Aids
No matter what’s keeping you awake at night, be it stress, jet lag or just random insomnia, an over the counter sleep aid can be a real life saver. If you’ve been staring at the TV trying to get to sleep for hours, you can always just run t…

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Q: Dont wanna see a doctor or continue experimenting with different sleeping aids. I just wanna know which one thats out on the market really works well. Please dont say tylnol pm or nightquill.
A: i own a natural health store and the most effective products I have seen have a combination of sleep ingredients. Some examples are melatonin, valerian root, inositol and 5-htp(for sleeplessness due to anxiety). Each of these are easily found in health food stores and are to be taken 30-45 minutes before bed and are non addictive. Good luck
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Q: I need to know which widely available sleeping pills are the most effective. Preferably, I need something available in Boots or Superdrug or some other common chain store. I’ve tried a couple of natural sleep aid type things and they did nothing. Lying there in the dark unable to sleep is completely torturous so I need something to sort me out. I don’t have insomnia. It’s more like a bad habit I’ve brought upon myself. Please help me. I need something very strong and yes I know they’re not a long term solution.
A: Nytol is a common brand that is available from your local pharmacist such as Boots or Superdrug.DO NOT get Nytol confused with ‘Nytol Herbal’. As you have already found out, any ‘natural’ or ‘herbal’ drugs are a con and don’t work (they’re also available from any shop so give you an idea how ineffective they are).They will only make you a bit drowsy though. If you need anything stronger then you’ll have to see a doctor. Dealing with your underlying issues will always be more effective than trying to patch the problem up.
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