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What is the best medicine to get rid of cramps

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Midol and Pamprin are the best for relieving menstrual cramps. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-medicine-to-get-rid-of-cramps ]
More Answers to “What is the best medicine to get rid of cramps
What is the best medicine to get rid of cramps
Midol and Pamprin are the best for relieving menstrual cramps.
What’s the best way to get rid of cramps without using medicine??
Heat sometimes helps. You can use a heating pad, a hot water bottle or even, if you can tolerate it, a tiger balm-type of topical ointment. Taking a warm bath or shower works too. Some people find certain yoga positions help, or light exerc…
What is the best way to get rid of period cramps besides medicine…?
Try light exercise, such as yoga. Also drink plenty of water and tea(chamomile or mint). Hope you feel better…cramps are no fun!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to get rid of cramps without taking medicine?
A: Make a rice sock. Fill an old sock with dry rice, tie off the end, and put it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. The moisture in the rice is released (yes, there is moisture even in dry rice) with the heat, and the warmth and the weight of the rice helps TREMENDOUSLY. I use mine when the pain is especially bad and my breakthrough medications aren’t kicking in yet. It’s better than a heating pad because the weight is comforting, you can use it anywhere because it doesn’t have a cord, and you can sleep with it (you shouldn’t do that with a heating pad because it maintains a constant heat and can cause burns, with the rice sock you don’t have to worry about this).
whats the best way to get rid of pms cramps with no medicine?
Q: cus they hurrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRT ouchieeeeeeeeEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!god what women have to go through sometimes i wish i was a guy dont you?
A: A hot bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As hot as you can comfortably stand!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t stress this enough! I use to have horrible cramps that medicine would not help before my surgery and a hot bath was the ONLY thing that would make it go away. I promise it is the best remedy. And I also hear that fresh pineapple helps too. But take a hot bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best medicine for cramps?
Q: Hey what is the best medicine for cramps. Or what can I to get rid of them?
A: midol, tylenol, and advil
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