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What is dextromethorophan

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Dexromethorphan Hydrobromide (DM) is the the cough suppressant ingredient in most over the counter ( OTC ) cough medicines. It was introduced back in the late ’60s as a substitute for codiene, which was the the usual, frequently abused cough MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-dextromethorophan ]
More Answers to “What is dextromethorophan
Dextromethorphan is a type of cough suppressant that is given to people with colds or the flue. Note that dextromethorphan does not suppress coughs caused by smoking or emphysema, or asthma. Look here for more information: http://www.drugs….
Dextromethorphan (DXM or DM) is an antitussive drug. It is one of the active ingredients used to prevent coughs in many over-the-counter cold and cough medicines. Dextromethorphan has also found other uses in medicine, ranging from pain rel…
Dextromethorphan is a cough-suppressing ingredient in a variety of OTC cold and cough medications.

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Q: I am being drug tested on 1/2 and took a Nyquil at about 2am on 1/1 because I have a cold. Nyquil contains 325mg of acetaminophen and 15mg of dextromethorophan. Would any of those cause me to come up positive on my drug test? Has anyone here taken a Nyquil a day or two before their drug test? what happened? PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER, THANK YOU!Bird Girl – there is no way they can prove I took medicine and not illegal drugs if it did come up dirty. This test is for a rehab program Im in. Again please dont answer if you dont know!
A: yea it gives wrong positive but not always search google for false positive
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