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What can happen if she does have cramps

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A:Signs of a miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding and cramping pain felt low in the stomach. Please call your OB for more info. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-happen-if-she-does-have-cramps ]
More Answers to “What can happen if she does have cramps
What can happen if she does have cramps
Signs of a miscarriage include: vaginal bleeding and cramping pain felt low in the stomach. Please call your OB for more info.

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Possible Endometriosis?
Q: I am very concerned that I may have Endometriosis. I am 17 and have had irregular periods due to Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, so I only have periods about every 8 months. I have been taking birth control for a little over a month now to help raise my estrogen levels and regulate my system. I started my period well over a week ago, and it is the heaviest flow I have ever had. It is extremely painful. More than the cramps, it is more of a stabbing, burning pain in my lower gut, as well as cramps. I have had constipation and diarrhea in the last two weeks, switching off. My life is put on hold – I can’t do much because of the pain. I’ve even woke myself up in the middle of the night by crying out in pain. It is very painful to put in a tampon – the response is a huge cramping and stabbing pain, unless I do it JUST right. I can also tell when I have to poo before I feel it because the pain I experience.The worst part is that my mom has been diagnosed with Endometriosis and she struggles with it still.The only thing that is making me wonder if it is not Endo is that I don’t have pelvic pain – it is more in my lower abdomen about where cramps happen, but not quite. I hope that made sense. I hope I didn’t miss any weird symptoms I’ve been having.So my questions are:1) Do you think it could be Endometriosis?2) If so, what treatment option should I take? I am not planning on having children (believe me).3) Do you have any tips for me about anything to do with Endometriosis, diagnosis, and treatment? I have been reading up a little about it so you don’t need to list everything, just what you feel is important or have any tips from personal experience.
A: i doubt I am going to be able to give you all of the answers that you are looking for but I am going to do what I can.I do not have much expirience or knowledge with endrometriosis, but i do have PCOS so i know a bit about that. If you have just started birth control after not having a period for around 8 months then you have a lot of built up tissue from those 8 months. If this is your first period since then that could be why it is so heavy and painful. When your body expells that tissue during a period or with birth control its a withdrawl bleed, your uterus will contract to expell the blood and tissue. That could be the cause of the unusually heavy period and the outrageous cramps. If that is the case then it could get better after this month. Once this bleed has ended you will be cleaned out and the next time wont be as bad. But even with that i think that you should call your doctor and let them know what is going on. If you are bleeding to heavily you could be getting anemic and that can cause symptoms of its own. Too much blood loss can also cause other problems and you could need a blood transfusion. With Endometriosis it is a main sign to have very heavy periods that go on forever. From what i know it is shedding more lining then it is supposed to. And if it runs in your family there could be a greater chance of you having it. In that case, if you think you have it you really do need to get checked out by a doctor asap. They will be able to get you started on an appropriate regiment and help you not go through this much pain each cycle. But my major concern with all of this is the amount of blood you are currently loosing. I know it is the holiday and doctors offices may be closed but look up local nurse hotlines and tell them your problem. If you start feeling light headed at all then you may need to take a trip to the emergency room. But set up an appt with your doctor as soon as you can.
My first pregnancy & scared to bits…?
Q: I am 5 weeks preggo. I have been having the cramping feelings in my stomach, to my pelvis (and uterus) and sometimes my legs feel weird. I have mild tender boobs and some nausea. Everyone tells me this is all normal (cramps as if I’m getting my period, back pain – AS LONG AS THERE IS NO BLEEDING- which there isent. Miscarriges run in my family and so do many other issues. I have a lot of stress right now and I know that does not help. So ontop of worried that a miscarrige will happen- or cramps ect. are signs leading up to one… I have some quiestions. 1. How long should i wait to get in and see a doctor? (check-up) I have no insurance yet so it is difficult. Do I need to wait until I’m 2 months before they can really see anything?2. Can JUST cramping be a sign of a miscarrige going to happen in the future? (Or does it only mean its a MC if it’s bleeding and cramping?) 3. What can i do to help relax ect.? (I work in a daycare fulltime and im a fulltime college student lol) I’m sorry i am asking a million ?’s. My mother does not approve of this pregnancy… so she is not helping me through this at all, so I am on my own to try to figure everything out. (I am 20, but like I said this is my first pregnancy.) Please help. Any info or re assurance will be GREATLY appreciated. <3also when I push a bit on my uterus (more on the lower right side its a bit tender and I can feel it in the crease between my leg and vagina.Ummm yeah I am 20 and engaged… no where in here did I say I was not. ????Also- the cramps last throughout the whole day… on and off… is that normal?And I am talking about on my own as in female wise. My fiance has no clue to what cramps and sore boobs are like, nor does he know what pregnancy is like. I dont have nay other females in my life to tell me whats normal and whats not so I am on my own with that part.
A: I’m in my first pregnancy now too, and it can be scary! You sound like you already know that cramps and all that is totally normal, so I won’t reassure you 🙂 To answer your questions… get insurance ASAP! Medicaid offers and insurance called PCAP which is great for low income pregnant women. Find a location where you can register because it takes time for insurance to process and you will need to see a doc by 12 weeks. That’s very important. They can see some things before 2 months, they will do a pap smear and make sure your cervix is normal and healthy, and a physical exam, take lots of blood. I had all that done at 9 weeks. They will see you again about every month and a half or so. Just cramping is not usually a sign of miscarriage unless accompanied by bleeding and rhythmic pains, but if you are really concerned you should see a doctor sooner than 12 weeks. I am also a full time college veterinary student, and working (at a doggy daycare, as a pet-sitter, and running my own animal adoption organizations)… so I hear you with needing to relax. If you have a partner, make sure you get plenty of massages 🙂 Make sure you get plenty of sleep as you will need it… you will be getting very tired soon! And eat well because if you are healthy, you will stay relaxed 🙂 Maybe watch some movies in bed and just chill out. That always helps me. Good luck and it sounds like your experiencing totally normal symptoms so far! If you find cause for concern go to an emergency room- that’s what they’re there for 🙂
7wks preg. losing hope after ultrasound and research help!!?
Q: Some of you may have my post already in another spot. But long story short for those of you that haven’t…My LMP was 4/30 so that makes me 7wks yesterday. I had some light spotting brown and only happened once a day after the 1st day (which was like 5x that day) then always 10mins after, it’s like it never happened. No cramping, i felt some then my tummy would gurgle and it’d go away. My doc did hcg levels they were 6/9-2417, 6/11-2893, and 6/17-6275, not doubling but doc said rising is good too. I went for an u/s on 6/17 and they said i was exactally 6wks by my lmp with them when i should have been 6w6d, but they can be off. So the u/s was a total of 15mins, my bladder was too full on adominal so the made me pee and did transvaginal. They saw the yolk sac measuring 4mm, but no baby or HB. She said ok it’s too early your all done. I wsa like ok that’s the quickest u/s i’ve ever had! So they called my doc to see if she wanted my levels done again cuz they explained that was the only way of telling if things were progressing cuz too early for u/s. So went for bloodwork and got test backnext day, levels above. I know i should stop reading info on hcg levels and miscarriages, but i can’t help it, it’s always on my mind. I just feel like no matter how i feel (which yesterday i felt they would find the HB and baby) i just feel like the studys say this and i’ve got 3 things going on that can lead to miscarriage, so it must be true. I’m so mad at myself for thinking this way i have always been one to say “i’m a person, not a satistic or number. I guess this worry and stress of this whole not knowing thing and having to wait even longer is really getting to me more than i thought. Any hope in my baby showing up? Is 4mm small for 6wks? I know my son was a wk and a half behind too. Just really worried. I also felt really awful mid afternoon today. I finally got to the poit where i could eat and made dinner. I didn’t feel to hot after eating and when i went back into the kitchen i could smell the food and had all i could do to keep what i ate in! I’m just now feeling a little better. I haven’t spotted for 4 days so i find myself checking to be sure i;m not spotting again. I feel like i’m losing my mind! My boobs are big anyway, but have gotten even bigger! It feels like they did when your breastmilk tames down after the 1st few wks of breastfeeding, still huge! Could i be getting sick on account of my hcg levels going up or can you be sick during a miscariage?
A: stop worring so much! are u over 40-had 2 or more mis car-tube-etc if not ur fine-the worring will stress ur body and mind thus mind takes over body =sick! my daughter was off by 3 weeks. stop looking up numbers n enjoy what u have as of now. ggod luck
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