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What are the signs and dangers of ectopic pregnancy

Health related question in topics Ectopic Pregnancy .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the signs and dangers of ectopic pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:The first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy are often pain or vaginal bleeding. Other symptoms: spotting, dizziness or (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-signs-and-dangers-of-ectopic-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What are the signs and dangers of ectopic pregnancy
What are the signs and dangers of ectopic pregnancy
The first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy are often pain or vaginal bleeding. Other symptoms: spotting, dizziness or (MORE?)

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Democrats/Republicans care to vote for me when I run in 2028? (My first year of eligibility).?
Q: 1.Don’t believe in gay marriage,although what ever else they do is none of the government’s business. 2.No censorship for music,books, etc. I find this a sign that the government has too much power, this is actually a communist belief something very much against our principals. It could be considered a 1st admendment violation as well.3.Equal taxing across the board, even with equal taxing people who make more per month/year have a higher tax percentage. The tax will go to health care. Toll roads will only be taxed during construction phases.After completion the tax will be lifted.4.I will not establish gun control, but if one chooses to purchase a gun they will have a very thorough background check done. If history of mental illness,arrest for violent crimes etc. is found they will not be able to purchase. 5.I will allow special circumstance abortion…if a girl is raped and subsequently impregnated, I will allow her to choose to abort the pregnancy, or to give birth and adopt. If a developing fetus is a danger to the mother’s health (i.e an ectopic pregnancy).6.If one is caught in the possession of a drug they have a dependency to, instead of prison I will allow for a stay at a secure,law enforced rehabilitation facility. If this works for them, the charges can be dropped. If it does not they and they go back to using drugs, they will face prison time.7.I am for true separation between federal and state laws, state laws can propose a law as they wish, however if a law turns out to cause problems or not work in the state, we may intervene if necessary. 8.Regardless of past history everyone will have the right to vote.9.I will reform our justice laws to where non-violent prison offenders (simple drug possession, theft) will get less prison time than the more violent (murder) ones(it is usually the other way around).I am not conservative nor liberal I am an independent.
A: 1. I am against you.2. I am with you.3. I am against you.4. I am with you.5. I am against you.6. I am with you.7. I am with you.8. I am with you.9. I am with you.6 out of 9 isn’t bad.If there is no other candidate who I agree with as much, and if you get the funding to run a campaign, I will vote for you.
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