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What are the after effects of a miscariage

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the after effects of a miscariage”,you can compare them.

A:Some women experience vaginal bleeding, similar to a menstrual period and it may last up to a week after a miscarriage. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-after-effects-of-a-miscariage ]
More Answers to “What are the after effects of a miscariage
What are the effects of not having a DMC after a miscarriage?
About 50% of women who miscarry do not undergo a D&C procedure. If the miscarriage is incomplete, a D&C procedure is performed.
What after effects are there when you have a miscarriage??
Do you have a fever? It could be an infection and you would need to see a doctor. What it sounds like to me though is that you still have the pregnancy hormones in your system (It takes a while for them to go down) and they are making you …
What are some harmful effects not visiting a doctor after a misca…?
For the most part, it is not necessary to visit a doctor after a miscarriage. If you have continued heavy bleeding and/or severe abdominal pain or a fever, you should go to your doctor or emergency room to rule out retained products of conc…

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Q: So I am epileptic and taking meds which already have their many side effects.A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia which is a form of diabetes.Inmy family my grandparents from my father’s side both have diabetes,my dad might have the beginning of diabetes(where you do not use a needle and are still producing insulin),my sister did a test and figured out that she is hyperglycemic and predisposed to diabetes which also puts me at risk. Here is the twist:I would go and eat out with my bf at the time and would be so dizzy but thought that I did not have enough food to eat so I would grab some lunch only to have my headaches return after my meal.That continued for a semester and I found out that I was hypoglycemic when I went to the doctors on campus asking them what is wrong.After the tests came back and the results came I was advised to eat meat which I get tired of a lot so they advised high protein and low carb diet.So I followed that but even so when ever I would go out or especially after I would eat a bowl of pasta with chicken on top(grilled) and minimal or no dressing I would still be dizzy or rather what it felt like a headache gone bad.That in the end has cost my GPA to go down for the past 3 semesters as my health deteriorated.Last semester before finding out that I was pregnant and after having a miscariage I still had headaches caused by what I had no idea,I would have to keep a bottle of Advil and one of Exedrin with me for migranes as well.As of now when I am with my family and friends they think that having something sweet like a cookie or a glass of soda with cure it or spike my sugar level which it will do but temporary.I am worried because I have not as much energy as before,I have these headaches or lite headeness that I had before and I know that something is not right.My sister told me to get tested with the same test she did and see what the outcome is.I am 25 years old,120-125 lbs,5 foot 5 inches and petite.I need someone’s help on what to do because all I feel like doing is sleeping the day away, when I was at the mall the other day I had a shake and I had the biggest headache even though I had some food to eat.What should I do?
A: You need to go to a few experts. First is a neurologist about these headaches and second is a GI doctor to find out why you are getting these problems after you eat. These doctors will get to the bottom of what is going on with you. Please have your doctor give you a referral in the morning for them. You don’t need to be tested for the same thing as your sister as she is a different person alttogether and different people don’t always have the same problems. Make sure you jump on this right away too as you need to getback to a life you left so long ptoir to go to. Good luck and God Bless. Good luco,s`
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