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Can a girl be pregnant if she has period symptoms an has bled a little bit

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A:Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-a-girl-be-pregnant-if-she-has-period-symptoms-an-has-bled-a-little-bit ]
More Answers to “Can a girl be pregnant if she has period symptoms an has bled a little bit
Can a girl be pregnant if she has period symptoms an has bled a l…?
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding..MORE?

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HELP 6 Days past O DAY?
Q: Hi there,k so heres the scoop, I had a miscarriage back in November…I knew I was pregnant because I missed my period and my nipples were sore and I was eating a lot more and I felt twinges in my lower stomach. Well I know that I ovulated the night of Valentine’s day and my Bf and I had sex that night along with 2 times the next day (sorry tmi) well I also know when I ovulate because I get the crampiness when the egg is released and normally that goes away after at least one day…this time it stuck around for 4-5 days and my nipples have been really sensitive since I ovulated and Ive been extremely hungry too, I even eat breakfast…which i never did before! and I’ve been feeling a lot of weird things in my lower stomach again…especially yesterday i felt a lot …felt kinda like a tightness here and there through out the day on the right side of my belly button…it was really weird…so anyway girls im just asking…can you tell if you get pregnant right away after O day? or is it possible I was prego already from last month as says my sister..,.cuz she says I shouldn’t be getting symptoms this early! please let me know what you think I want to know if I should just go out and get a test…to help you figure this out a little bit better maybe…since I got my miscarriage I haven’t gotten any PMS symptoms like I used to…my period just came on and I bled for a few days…this last month I got my period around the first of feb…was supposed to come on the third and I bled for about 5 days…not my normal amount of bleeding time…and it wasnt full on blood…dont know how to explain it…it was really light either…and then if my calculations are correct I should have been ovulating around the 14-15th and the 14th that night is when I got the cramps…so please HELP ME! I dont want to waste my money on a pregnancy test right now…so should I wait to see if I get my period again? My sister got her period the first few months of her first pregnancy after her first miscarriage…maybe that runs in the family…idk? Thanks a ton!I never get sore nipples…last time it happened was when I WAS prego and I know that I ovulate from my cervical mucus…it was really stretchy and egg whitey exactly on the 14th and 15th and I got cramps which can be a common sign of ovulation. Also my period is normally around 29 days…and I tried calculating it online and they said around the 15th…now I know those things aren’t always most accurate but according to my symptoms it seemed like it was this time
A: I am also 6 DPO. Today would be the first possible day for both of us for implantation to occur, so I think the symptoms you’ve been getting are related to something else. Also, besides the cramping you got, how else do you know that you for sure ovulated on the 14th? Just wondering because you said your period was irregular this past month, so I wonder if your ovulation was irregular too. Even if you went and got a pregnancy test, and you were pregnant, it wouldn’t show up on a pregnancy test for at least another 3-4 days probably (and maybe not even then too).I don’t know if getting periods in the first few months of pregnancy runs in the family or not, I’ve not ever heard of that.
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