Who Can Be Blamed for Lindsay Lohan’s Problems?

While many would say that Lindsey Lohan is an adult who makes her own decisions and therefore is completely to blame for all of her problems. One might have to argue that point, when you look at the backround and the headlines of the Lohan family, ask yourself, how and when did Lindsay’s problems start?

When Did It Start?

Lindsay Lohan has been working in some form of show business for 22 years. When you think of her age now, that is almost all of her life. As with so many child stars, she was cute and sparkly and it was easy to find roles in movies and television. It is reported and it would be hard to deny that she was a major part of the household bread winner. As with alot of families that are thrust into the spotlight due to their childrens success, Michael and Dina Lohan divorced. The reason behind it is not clear, but with one or both parents trying to become famous by living through their successful child, it is a disaster in the making. With her family shattered and unable to grow up normally, it is understandable that Lindsay would rebel. Roles become harder to find when the cuteness wears off, when your going through the terrible teen years and no one seems to understand or care. It would be easy to see how Lindsay started down the wrong road.

What Was Lindsay Missing In Order To Become A Successful Adult

Being in the spotlight is a necessity when you are a “star”, If your star is not cute and sparkly anymore, you are one of the many attractive teens in Hollywood vying to get the next big role, the pressure can be too much. In normal families, the parents would be the ones to look out for that child, to reassure them that they are wonderful, whether they ever make another movie or not. You can look and see many of the child stars who went on to college, some came back to acting, others didn’t. They had the loving support of their family. These families were concerned with their childs future, whether it was acting or pursuing other interests. With what has been seen of the Lohans, Lindsay was on her own. Dina was trying to groom another daughter for stardom, and Michael was in between jail and finding religion. It could be said that at some time Lindsay needed to grow up. Easy to say, but hard to do when you have stressed over your next job, instead of being able to be a normal child, for most of your life.

Was Lindsay Crying Out For Help? Did That Cry Go Unanswered?

As with a child who does not get the attention they need, Lindsey found her own way to get attention. She turned to others for validation and found substances that would dull the pain, help her deal with the problems and the feelings she was having. The drinking, drugs and wild behavior were a cry for help. Instead of doing what Brittney Spears father did, Michael went to the media to discuss what his daughter needed. Instead of taking control and getting help for her daughter, Dina took up for her, enabling her to keep on with this wild lifestyle. Brittney Spears dad saw that his daughter was in trouble, stepped in, took over, looking out for her best interest, not his own, and turned his daughters life around. How much Lindsay could have used this kind of family.

Maybe This Judge Can Save Lindsays Life

With all of her legal problems, Lindsay still seems to be crying for help. She cannot handle life on her own and surrounding herself with people who are only there because of who she is, is a further map to disaster. Lindsay is on a downward spiral which only intervention is going to stop. While she needs to pay for her bad decisions, she also needs love and care, someone who loves her because of who she is on the inside and not because of who she is on the outside. Hopefully, this judge will look past this scary looking young lady and see the sad little girl who needs a friend, not a mother who wants to be a friend. I was the first to gripe about how she was getting special treatment. Special treatment is what she is used to, sadly it is not the special treatment that will aid her in becoming a productive adult. She is in a spiral motion, doing what she thinks she needs to do, so she can get back to what she was doing. If this judge does not look at Lindsay as a “star” and instead looks at her as a young woman who needs attention, loving, caring, genuine attention, she might be able to help Lindsay. If Lindsay completes all that she needs to complete to get her out of trouble, and she goes back to her old lifestyle, I am afraid she will be back in the headlines soon. Sadly, it possibly could be her last time.

Her Parents Are Helping Her How?

Dina Lohan is reportedly shopping for a deal for a tell all book. Now isn’t that special? What Lindsay needs at this time in her life is a mother who is ready to stab her in the back by spreading all the dirt. Michael has problems of his own, currently he has been arrested for the second time on domestic abuse charges, only this time he decides to jump off a balcony to escape. Hmmm and we wonder how Lindsay got so screwed up.

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