What Causes Back Pain?

If you’ve ever moved heavy furniture or did an intense workout unprepared, you’ve probably had to deal with back pain. They are one of many things that can do so. Other conditions can also be the source of the pain.

Bad Posture: If you slouch a lot, get ready for pain. It distorts muscles and your spine, and none of them appreciate the distortion. Your mother was right. Sit/stand up straight, shoulders back and stomach in. Otherwise, you may end up with a back ache.

Heart Attacks: If you have pain in the left, upper part of your back, it could be a symptom of a heart attack. Pain in the neck, jaw and right arm are other possible symptoms. These could be your only warning; not everyone gets the crushing chest pain and shortness of breath commonly associated with the condition.

Injuries: Whether it damages muscles, nerves or vertebrae, injuries can cause a lot of pain in the back. Often, more than one of the above is involved. If you’re lucky, the pain will fade away, but some injuries don’t. Physical therapy can be a great boon when time isn’t the cure.

Kidney Problems: A kidney infection, stone or advanced kidney disease can create a lot of pain in the back. Sometimes it will be just one kidney and focus on one side of your back. Other problems can make both kidneys hurt and the pain will be more even.

Sore Muscles: If you aren’t used to working back muscles, or you attempt to do something your back muscles aren’t ready for, you could have sore muscles throughout your back. As an example, pushing a car uphill is not something most backs appreciate. If that sounds like the voice of experience, it is. We had to do that last week.

Spinal Problems: Arthritis, degenerated disks and injuries can all create massive pain in the back. Depending on the location and severity, it may also cause pain in the hips, legs, shoulders and arms.

Back pain from an unknown source or pain that lasts longer than normal healing time would suggest needs to be checked out by a doctor. The example of an unknown source is the heart attack. Waiting a week or two to see if it will go away may kill you.

As with the spine, home remedies are not the first source of treatment. They may help as a supplement to a doctor’s prescription, but you need to be seen by one. It’s never a good idea to self diagnose or self treat and that includes back pain.

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