Understanding Detox Diets

When some people think about starting a detox diet they think of lemon juice and maple syrup, while others think of freshly made green juices, and still others conjure up an image of apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Some people have no idea what a detox diet is.

There are many reasons to consider detox diets regularly. We take in toxins in our foods, beverages and even the air we breathe. There are often toxins in the creams and cosmetics we put on our skin, the soaps and shampoos we wash with and many of the articles, such as aluminum cookware, that we use for our activities of daily living. Most of these toxins have only even been around for 100 years or better.

While it is true that our bodies are genetically engineered to detoxify our system, evolution hasn’t caught up with any of the man made chemicals that are present in our environments. We are exposed to more toxins than at any other time in the history of man.

To most of us, it seems logical that we would consider a detoxification diet to help clean accumulated toxins in the digestive tract, clean the cells of the liver and kidneys to help them be more efficient since these organs are essential for the normal elimination of toxins, and help the body eliminate heavy metals, many of which grab on to tissues in the body and never make it to the kidney, liver or intestine for elimination.

There are many benefits to a detox diet. It can help people lose weight, enjoy clearer more supple skin, relieve ‘brain fog’, and strengthen the immune system. Many detox diets will also balance the pH to a more favorable, slightly alkaline state.

The Best Detox Diet

Finding the right detox diet for you is not that hard if you know exactly what you are trying to accomplish. If you have no idea where to start, look for a naturopath or homeopath in your local community. These health professionals are familiar with what is healthy and available, and are trained to read your body’s signs and advise you on the detox diet that will suit your body’s particular needs.

There are detox diets that address liver, kidney, blood, digestive tract, skin and hair, parasites or a combination of those things. Some detox diets even address all of those concerns, but I will caution you that not all will, so again, if you aren’t sure then consult with a wellness professional.

How Often to Detox

Once you have completed your first detox diet the next question is often, “How often should I do this”? The answer is very specific for you, but generally speaking, if you are healthy, once or twice a year seems to be a good rule of thumb. Sometimes your health professional will recommend that you start with your intestine, then clean the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, then the blood, and finally heavy metals or any combination of those. Still people who do a multiple system cleanse will only repeat it once or twice a year.

Make sure you add zeolite to your detox regime to effectively remove heavy metals and toxins.

S. Penney is a retired registered nurse with a continued, insatiable thirst for health and wellness information. Although Shelley hails from traditional medical training, she is always searching for ways in which the natural world of healing herbs, foods and supplements can intersect with traditional medicine and benefit us all. She has spent the last few years learning about zeolite for detox, and providing zeolite information to help people educate themselves on this subject.

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