Three Reasons Why Rick Perry Should Run for President in 2012

Rick Perry is running for president in 2012 and I think he would be a perfect fit for the job. Perry is the current Governor of Texas and held his position since December 21, 2000. Perry’s wife Anita wanted him to run for office and he happily obliged. Judging from Perry’s history in politics he could be a real contender in next year’s election.

I can give you three reasons why he would be a good candidate for the job. Reason number one the jobs he created in Texas is evidence that Perry has what it takes to make a difference. Perry can fix our struggling economy by creating more stable jobs just like he’s done for Texas.

Obama has already started growth in the job market, now Perry can further his plan of action. Texas shows great stability in the job market thanks to Perry, so if he ran for president he could possibly do the same thing for the United States.

Secondly is experience Perry has ten years being the Governor of Texas serving three consecutive terms. You need a strong political background to be taken seriously in the running and Perry has exceptional credentials. Say what you will these are the facts and if Perry plays his cards right we can see a new president for 2012.

Lastly Perry’s involvement with education, he’s given a 2,000 dollar pay raise to teachers and 65% of tax dollars going to improving classrooms. Some people might argue that Perry’s grades in school weren’t up to par for being president. I say don’t judge a man by what he does on paper. Judge him based on his actions and Perry has proven he can handle the work load.

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