Things that Can Cause a Diabetic Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome Response

A condition that is a direct complication of Type 2 diabetes, diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome shows no ketones but abnormally high blood sugar levels. There are several causes of the condition. Symptoms can include any of the following: weight loss, weakness, lethargy, nausea, increased thirst and urination, coma, confusion, and convulsions. These signs can worsen during the course of days or weeks. Later on, there can be speech impairment, loss of muscle function and feeling, and dysfunctional movement. Those that succumb to this condition are often already very ill and the treatment is to give IV insulin, fluids, and potassium. There is a 40 percent death rate for those with diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome.

Risk Factor Causes

There are a few factors that can increase the risk factor for this condition in those with type 2 diabetes. These risk factors can range from being older, having poor kidney function, and not being able to manage the diabetes effectively. Other factors can be any medical stress such as surgery, stroke, or infection. Congestive heart failure, limited access to water intake, a stop in taking insulin and other glucose lowering medications are also risk factors.

Conditional Causes

This condition can be the result of other conditions and be found in those that haven’t received a diabetes diagnosis yet. These conditions include infections, other illnesses, and taking medications that is designed to increase fluid loss and lower glucose tolerance. The body’s kidneys usually expels excess glucose in urine, but without enough fluid intake the kidneys cannot expel the extra glucose. When the blood has too much and is more than normal in concentration, it is called hyperosmolarity. Hyperosmolarity will cause the other organs to draw out water in an effort to expel the glucose from the body, this causes the dehydration/high blood sugar cycle.

Source: A.D.A.M.

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