The South Austin Social Club: A Creative Catalyst for Change

With the apocalyptic musings of the 2012 theorists swirling in the liberal air, the collective art scene in Austin, Texas is poised to rise above economic reticence and put social value into the city’s creative pulse. From an eclectic mix of creative types lurking in the southern most parts of the city, an artistic social scene has become the catalyst for positive change. Welcome to The South Austin Social Club.

On the fourth Tuesday of the each month, a diverse group of artists from across the city gather for a two hour meet-up on South Congress Avenue. Naturally, they socialize. Austin bands play, and business cards are exchanged. This is called “putting the social back into networking.” Throughout the evening the ubiquitous Texas cowboy hat is passed around the room, and participants fill it with cash. That cash is then given to one artist who is actively working to make a positive impact in the city. These artists are typically working with children in some capacity.

In a state that doesn’t put a lot of favor in arts education, many of the area’s schools rely on a loose network of artists and non-profits to help bring art to students who might not otherwise be exposed to it. More than a fluffy academic extra, these artists are teaching children to be socially responsible citizens who know how to communicate in a less the idealistic world.

Much of what The South Austin Social Club is trying to accomplish is inspired by the Maryland Institute College of Art which posts this statement on its website:

“A study of 25,000 students showed that middle school and high school students who participate in in-school and out-of-school arts activities see significant increases in grades and test scores compared to their peers who do not. The same study found that students who participate in the arts are less likely to drop out of high school or watch more than 3 hours of television per day; they are more likely to define community service as important to them. Teachers indicate that students engaged in the arts surpass their peers in creativity, expression, and imagination. Other studies have found that arts-based learning enhances student achievement by promoting a sense of competency in reading and math.”

What makes The South Austin Social Club different than the many meetings happening around boardroom tables throughout the city? It’s fun. It’s light. It’ O.K. to have two drinks and shoot the breeze with a dancer or actor you’ve never met. Alliances are formed and projects are funded without a single bylaw in the mix.

Art is active by nature. By taking action in a flesh and blood social setting, artists who know how to walk the walk are giving creative and social access to artists who wouldn’t otherwise feel empowered to share their gifts. It takes more effort than a few Facebook posts to make significant connections, and the members of The South Austin Social Club understand this. If you happen to be headed down South Congress Avenue on the fourth Tuesday of the month, swing into the Crow Bar and get social the old fashioned way.

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