The Decision to Change My Life; The Beginning of the Chronicles of a Fat Chic

Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow, December first, two thousand eleven is the day that I have decided to make major life changes start happening. Why tomorrow? Well, because January first is exactly a month away. I also think that when I start fading in my ambitious intentions in about a month, everyone around me will be on their “New Year’s Resolution to make my life better kick” which should give me some extra momentum to stick with my resolution from the first of the year. Last January first, I decided in a year I would be a skinny, healthy chic that looked awesome rocking some slutty outfit at this year’s New Year’s Eve Party. So, only eleven months later, I have finally decided to catch up. You may call me a procrastinator. Procastination to some is what I call preparation. I also use the excuse that work better under the pressure of a looming deadline. So here I am, ready to become the person that I have said I would be all year. I’m currently using the motto “Better late than never”.

Like many other things in my life, I have tried and succeeded at several diets, weight loss and health plans. I have done Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach Diets, low carbs, no carbs, Hgh shots, phentermine pills, gym memberships, and the list goes on. All of these have their good points, and all of them have worked for various people that I have tried them with. They each even worked for me for a while, but eventually something would happen and I would fall off of the proverbial wagon. I blame that on an adult onset of Attention Deficit Disorder, but instead of bouncing off the walls and being totally spastic, I just lose interest. I can justify anything that I choose to do (or not do), just ask my family.

In order to prepare for this big day, I have done as much unhealthy crap as I possibly could fit in in one week. For example, dinner tonight was Sausalito cookies, milk, cheese sticks and fried chicken. That would be considered healthy compared to everything else. Tomorrow, that all changes. No more cookies for dinner on a regular basis. No more preparation. Time to get my act and life together….

I am not expecting to make huge progress. At least, not all at once. I know the life changes that last should usually come gradual with me, I can’t stick with the “going cold turkey” thing. I wish I could, but then again, I also wish I had a fairy godmother that could wave her wand and make me skinny and cute again. Either one is about as likely as me winning the lottery and living happily ever after on a tropical island. So I am taking this one day, one issue, one pound at a time. And so begins the “Chronicles of a Fat Chic”. This should be interesting, considering I usually have the attention span of an amoeba, thus the accountability of putting my quest online and accounting to however many people decide to follow me. If I succeed, then it is for sure anybody can get healthy. If I fail, at least other people can feel better about their lives in my demise…..

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