Store Your Private Data Online with Personal

Have you ever wish you could place all your personal information in a single location for easy access online? Most web based applications only store one type of information, such as passwords, or are too difficult to use. Others still don’t take your personal data seriously, never encrypting it to keep it secure. Personal is out to change everything you once thought you knew about online data storage and protection.

What Is Personal?

Personal is a startup company which began in early 2011. Since then, they have gotten the notice of multiple companies which helped to fund Personal’s development and public launch. The purpose of the site is to give people full control over their digital data. Unlike other services, Personal believes users should be able to control their personal data for free. Users can decide who, if anyone else at all, has access to the data. All data is fully encrypted using 256-bit SSL encryption and HTTPS is used to ensure data transfers are kept private.

Web and Mobile

Users can access their Personal account via a web based application or through the mobile app. It is easier to sign up through the website first and then set up the mobile application. Using both allows you to have access to your data wherever you are.


What makes Personal stand out from the competition is the clean layout. Data is stored in what Personal calls vaults. Each vault has a title, such as Logins & Passwords or Emergency Contacts. You open the correct vault, enter the data and you are ready to go. Every detail you store is called a gem. Each gem can be shared with others, such as a spouse, relative or caretaker. For instance, emergency contact information would be important to share with a caretaker or babysitter.

There is no limit to the types of data you can store. Anything you find important and private can be stored in a vault. With the search feature, you can easily find the data you are looking for when you need it.

Sign Up

If you are interested in trying out Personal, head to their website and enter a valid email and strong password. Be sure to use a combination of upper and lower case letters along with numbers. If you are storing all your private data, you want to ensure your password isn’t easily guessed. For instance, the password “mypassword” is easy to guess. Change it to “MyPa55W0rD” and it becomes almost impossible to guess.

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