Still I Rise: Michael Vick Returns to the Top

18 months ago the road was full of obstacles as Michael Vick started his long journey to redeem his respect as an honorable man and celebrated athlete. 18 long months he struggled to rebuild an image that had taken brutal hits from the media, fans, and people in general stemming from his 18 month federal prison sentence on dog fighting charges; but like any real man would do, Vick embraced his challenge with open arms. He dusted himself off after regaining his footing from his fall from grace then found employment with the Philadelphia Eagles where he started from the bottom as a third string quarterback. Not the most idea situation for his return but God has a funny way of allowing certain situations to occur so a lesson in progression can take place.

With PETA breathing down his neck and animal lovers protesting his every move, he was still able to find his heart and make a change. His time away from society seem to help him identify his problems. The first step to recovery is identifying that there was a problem then accepting the fact that change is needed. Michael wanted to do whatever it took to reverse the darkest days of his life and somehow regain the adoration from his family and peers. Walking in shame turned out to be too much for his heart to bear. He was moved to volunteer his time to talk against the Dog Fighting culture that plagues the inner cities. It was a noble but dangerous gesture because Dog Fighting generates enormous amounts of revenue. Not to mention the fact that the unsavory characters that partake in the illegal activities are well connected and extremely dangerous. Now that’s a hell of a decision. Despite the obvious, Michael was determined to turn his negative lifestyle into a positive beacon of hope for those who considered Dog Fighting as a feasible way of making money and an enjoyable pastime.

Even after his change of heart, his doubters were still out there but like Maya Angelou said in her poem Still I Rise:

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Unfazed, Michael didn’t just talk about what he was going to do he did it. He visited schools and spoke to students in New Haven Connecticut, and Philadelphia Pennsylvania about Dog Fighting and Peer Pressure. The sincerity of his words was felt as he held the attention of every student in attendance. Not a sound could be heard in the auditoriums but Michael’s voice echoing off the walls. It was clear that his presence alone brought significance to his anti-dog fighting forum.

The good outweighed his negativity eventually. His life began taking a turn for the better. He worked hard and won the starting quarterback position. After several small endorsement deals, Nike finally came around and signed him again.

Nike spokesman Derek Kent said, “Michael acknowledges his past mistakes. We do not condone those actions, but we support the positive changes he has made to better himself off the field”

Michael Vick was finally reaping the rewards from his hard work and dedication. For his hard work and excellence on the field, he was voted as the Comeback Player of the year in 2010.

Coach Andy Reid said, “He had a plan and he stuck to that, both on and off the field. He knew certain things he wanted to get better at and he was open to the coaching on it, and he got himself back into shape. … So, he did a great job with the football part of it. And then he spends a tremendous amount of time in the public, in particular on his days off … speaking and doing the best he can to right the wrong. You can never erase that, but you can sure help change others from falling into that same problem.”

Vick’s turnaround is still a work in progress. He understands this and that’s why he continues to push forward with his speaking engagements. He has not wavered from his commitment and by the grace of God his commitment has paid off. In August, he signed a 6 year 100 million dollar contract with 40 million dollars guaranteed; now that’s quite a turn around.

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