Sestina #1 – Insomnia Ad Infinitum, in Pentameter

I cannot sleep but that the dog does bark.
I’m told that this is all inside my mind.
I’ve tried the leaves and all the priceless cures,
yet nothing helps me reach the restful state;
and music fails to quell my inner beast.
The only thing that works is simply time;

and so I sit and wait for ticking time;
a tree removed of ev’ry shred of bark;
aflame from unrelenting sun’s hot beast.
If I can see the end, I don’t quite mind,
but words develop which I cannot state;
my dreams like meat left hung until it cures;

and please, no more holistic healing cures!
For such a farce, I do not have the time!
So I shall stay within this sleepless state;
and only hear the loudest yell and bark
that hopes to penetrate my zombie mind;
because there is no taming this crude beast!

There is no beauty for this ugly beast;
for she would be the helpful of the cures.
Instead, no sleep will kill a useful mind;
cause lost direction and lost sense of time;
no compass, only moss upon the bark
to steer me home, but wait, it’s not my state!

The loss of dreams compounds my eerie state;
and though I’m not a timid, fragile beast;
I know my bite is lighter than my bark,
and I would gladly pay for working cures!
Or should I stay awake ’til end of time;
as this relentless fog consumes my mind?

Forever in another state of mind;
I long to leave behind this wakeful state;
but not while driving; that is not the time!
Who knows if I’ll survive this surly beast;
for which there are no guarantees of cures;
not even teas derived from ancient bark?

I howl and bark, but lose my hope for cures
as I embrace this beast within my mind;
imprisoned in this state for all of time.

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