Organic Gardening Ideas that New Gardeners Love

Organic gardening is a delightful way to spend time and new gardeners are some of the most enthusiastic. New gardeners really feel the thrill of the first-time planting of a garden. New gardeners can also be innovative even when they are novice. The following are some of the organic gardening ideas that new gardeners love:

Charming Organic Gardening Vegetable Plot

One of the most satisfying things to start with is a simple vegetable plot. Choose easy to grow vegetables and in a few quick weeks there will be a harvest. This will be very encouraging and spur on the resolve to continue with organic gardening. Vegetables are also excellent to grow as an activity with children since they think it is fun.

Useful Herb Section

Also, at this time it is a great idea to plant an herb garden. Herbs are truly wonderful in that they are so very versatile. Herbs are used to enrich the taste of food and they are also used as a medicine. There are a variety of ailments that herbs can help to treat. Many dieters find that herbs help them to stay on their diets because they provide more satisfaction and fulfillment in the food.

Write a Gardening Journal

Many times, organic gardening can bring out the creativity in people. For instance, for those who are good at art, the garden plants may be an inspiration to sketch and draw. For writers, the garden may be a great source of poetry. Some even choose to write an organic gardening journal.

Design Yoga or Tai Chi Area

It is also quite possible to be very active in the garden space. Some people enjoy exercising outdoors and have made a Yoga or Tai Chi area in the garden. It can be quite a nice habit to get active in the outdoor space and can help people stay with their exercise programs.

For new gardeners, these ideas are perfect. Cultivating a vegetable plot is very rewarding. Herb gardens have so many uses that new gardeners derive great satisfaction from planting and caring for them. Using a gardening journal is advisable to keep track of planting dates and outcomes. Finally, the design of a small yoga or meditation area in the garden is very charming for new gardeners to experience. Try some of these new gardener ideas now.


Hamilton, G. (1993) Organic Gardening. New York, NY: DK Publishing.

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