Occupy Wall Street

Pepper Fest 2011 is well underway after a UC Davis incident in which peaceful protesters were hosed down with pepper spray by Campus police. The fallout is that UC Davis has accelerated an investigation into the incident, yes how dare anyone have the gall to peacefully protest the greed of Wall Street.

The GOP has already made it posistion clear on this so called movement, the Rich are good for America and those that want jobs and dont have them are just whiners. Whiners by the way that according to current GOP Presidental Candidiates have it all wrong.

Herman Cain has voiced his opinions about Occupy Wall Street in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself,” he said at the time.

Yes blame yourself for the massive greed of a few tanking the global economy in order to line there own pockets and then blame the victims for being upset that none of these criminals were ever charged with a crime.

Newt Ging r ich has spoken about the protesters on Wall Street. He stated, “I think the people who are protesting on Wall Street break into two groups. One is left-wing agitators who would be happy to show up next week on any other topic, and the other is sincere middle-class people who, frankly, are very close to the Tea Party people and actually care.”

Thanks Newt for clearing that up, were there any left-wing agitators at the hospital when you handed your cancer striken wife divorce papers?

The GOP needs to wake up and smell the greed, the American people have had enough and they are not going to take it anymore. Wall Street and the Big Banks screwed the 99% that pay for this country and who vote for those in power into office.

Come 2012 the GOP will be handed a serious defeat in local and National elections and I am sure they will then whine about how the American people simply dont understand how wrong all of us are about protecting the 1% from the evils of things like actually paying taxes and being held accountable for criminal activity.

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