Knee Damage is One of the Most Common Work and Sports Injuries

Before I retired I worked for a restaurant chain for some twenty five years. At one point a fellow manager and I worked doing odd jobs for the company as well. For about eight years we did the landscaping for about ten stores on our day off. It turned out to be a long day, sometimes 14 hours or more, but we made good money to supplement our income and it was how we got outside and did our exercise.

A few years in I started having problems with my knee. A lot of the ground that we walked on during the day was uneven and filled with holes. We also had to climb some steep inclines. You had to keep an eye on where the mower was going, so a lot of the time we stepped into the holes and ended up twisting our knees.

At one point I had to wear a knee brace while I was working. That helped, but the knee pain returned when I started using it again. I finally had to give it up or face permanent damage. I still get a twinge now and then, but since I stopped abusing my knees, the pain is pretty much gone.

Knee problems are one of the most common sports injuries and the most common cause of joint pain. According to WebMD:

“The knee is the largest joint in the body. The upper and lower bones of the knee are separated by two discs (menisci). The upper leg bone (femur) and the lower leg bones (tibia and fibula) are connected by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The surface of the bones inside the knee joint is covered by articular cartilage, which absorbs shock and provides a smooth joint movement. “

Many times playing sports or doing a certain type of work can put stress on the knee, but sometimes osteoarthritis or even getting older can be the cause of pain in the knees as well. Knee injuries fall into two categories: acute and overuse. Acute injuries are often caused by a quick movement that can result in damage to the soft cushions in the knees or the ligaments that hold them together. Sometimes fractures occur in the bones of the knee.

Overuse injuries come from repetitive movement and include inflammation of the ligaments and problems with the kneecaps, often cause by excessive weight. These can be quite debilitating and often result in loss of work and disability.

Some ways to avoid knee problems include: Wearing your seat belt so you won’t bang your knee during a car accident. Wear knee pads when playing sports. Use the correct exercise equipment. Use correct movements when playing sports. Get proper training if you have to. It may cost extra, but so will injuring your knee. Proper stretching before exercise can also help prevent knee injuries.

Finally, eat a proper diet, don’t smoke at all or drink to excess and if you work at a job that puts stress on your knees, consider wearing a knee brace to prevent further injury.


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