Kim Kardashian: Reality Star Experiences Real Life

Yahoo reports that Kim Kardashian has cancelled the rest of her trip to Australia because she is so distraught over her pending divorce from short term hubby, Kris Humphries. Pardon me if I’m skeptical.

I’m not saying that I don’t think the reality star is distraught. I just don’t believe that Kardashian’s divorce is the cause of it. Perhaps the irony here is that the reality star is finally learning about reality. Or real life, as the rest of us call it.

In real life, actions have consequences. In real life, a famous name, a beautiful face, and lots of money don’t always (though they often do) protect you from criticism. And Kim Kardashian has been getting a lot of criticism since filing for divorce on Monday. Everyone from Dr. Drew to Sandra Bernhard to George Takai has sounded off against the way that Kim Kardashian treated marriage like it was a disposable commodity.

I think the real distress in Kim Kardashian’s life is the fact that people aren’t buying the story she’s trying to sell. How can she say that she hoped marriage would last forever when she gave it less time than a “90 days same as cash” offer? Does anyone honestly believe that Kim Kardashian “gave a great deal of thought” to this decision? When did she have time to give it all that thought?

Why did she think we’d buy it? I suppose because we’ve bought (literally and figuratively) all the other Kardashian Krapola that they’ve put out there for us. Sure, I’ve watched my share of Kardashian reality TV. It’s a nice bit of fluff in the midst of the real reality of life. If the Kardashians spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes and spa treatments, who cares? Does it really affect anyone else? Not really. In fact they are providing work for plenty of folks in the beauty industry.

What’s different this time? This time, Kim Kardashian made a mockery of marriage and she made a mockery of the millions of people who tuned in to watch her wedding extravaganza. I bet a fair number of them actually shed a tear and wished the reality start and her professional basketball player husband well. When she tossed it all aside after only 72 days, it’s like she threw it in our faces and we were fools to get sucked into the idea of marriage as a sacred institution.

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