Is Avon Calling? Well, Answer Already

I am a country girl. I’m jeans and simple tops, boots and a pair of earrings every now and then, but even so, I’m a make-up and perfume girly girl deep down. I’m not yet thirty with four little ones clinging to my leg, and to say that I’m on a budget is an understatement, but every now and then I like to spoil myself with a new addition to my cosmetic bag or perfume collection.

Over the years I have purchased what ever the drug store had on sale and, even then I ended up paying a little more than I wanted. A few months ago, while doing some shopping at a grocery store, the cashier had an Avon booklet next to her register. I asked it she sold Avon and she smiled and told me she didn’t sell it but she was on a budget and paid half as much on her cosmetics through Avon than the store where I was shopping. I had always thought that Avon was expensive and never really browsed it’s catalogs, but this young lady handed me her booklet and said I could keep it.

I took it home and started flipping through it’s pages. I wasn’t impressed the first few pages, but as I dug in deeper I noticed that they had some pretty amazing sales. It was their November issue and that had some pre – Christmas sales that I couldn’t believe. Full sized body mists, lotions, and shower gels at 2 for $5.00! I purchased the sprays and lotions in sets and distributed them as gifts to my family and friends for the holidays. The price for both normally would have been $18.00, and I purchased five sets for only $25.00 saving $65.00! My gifts went over with a bang, and the quality of the lotion and body spray were incredible.

The next month I requested another catalog from my “Avon Lady” and I searched out only the items on sale. I got a few lipsticks for $3.00 each, fragrance body powder and shimmering body lotion for .99 each, colorful eyeliners for $2.50 each, and facial cleaners priced at 2 for $5.00. I was able to treat myself to three times as many items as I normally would when I splurge on “just for mom” items at the drug store, even when using coupons! I have shopped with Avon ever since, and I have yet to be disappointed.

On top of the great deals on my “must have” items, my “Avon Lady” lives close enough to me that she hand delivers everything to my door. That just seals the deal for me. I am officially an Avon addict, and I’m loving the savings! Their cosmetics are good quality, their perfumes are fantastic, and the variety they offer is wonderful. I haven’t started selling Avon, although I have considered it for the discounts on top of discounts, but I have been thanking my lucky starts that my cashier handed me that catalog. Avon’s products has allowed me to expand my splurging with out having to expand my budget, which is a welcomed addition for a mom like me who always feels like the budget should rarely include myself.

If you hear Avon calling, answer! You may just discover that it’s the best call you’ve taken in a long time.

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