How to Save Money on Holiday Meals

Food is a major expense associated with the holidays. By the time you factor in the cost of a protein like ham or turkey, side dishes and desserts, you can easily spend a few hundred dollars. If you have a larger family, just watch that price rise. Saving money on your holiday meals is easier than you think. Whether you shop sales or simply shop smart, you can save cash on those big meals.

Use Coupons

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, start checking your local newspaper for coupons. Most manufacturers use seasonal coupons, which mean they offer discounts on the most popular foods during that timeframe. Canned foods and prepackaged or convenience foods often have coupons attached. The coupons start appearing in the first few weeks of November and continue running until Christmas.

Shop Sales

In the days before and after Thanksgiving, take advantage of the sales offered by your local grocery stores. The stores order more holiday goods, but want to get rid of those items before the holidays pass. Can you imagine chowing down on green bean casserole or roast turkey in January? Neither can the stores, which is why they start dropping those prices before Thanksgiving and right after Thanksgiving. Save money on your holiday meal by purchasing food after Thanksgiving.

Discount Stores

Discount stores, including the Dollar Tree, are an excellent place to find cheap holiday foods. Dollar stores now offer a wide selection of groceries, including some name-brand items. It is the best place to find cranberry sauce, canned goods, and frozen vegetables. A recent trip to the Dollar Tree revealed a display of cheap Thanksgiving food, including premade gravy, frozen rolls, pumpkin pie filling, seasonal spices, frozen corn and peas, and canned mushroom soup. At $1 or less per item, you can save big on your holiday meal.

Buy in Bulk

Warehouse stores let you save on items you need for the holidays and beyond. The trick is to only buy what you need and what you will use. Buying a case of mushroom soup for one dish of green bean casserole is a waste of money, but if you use that same soup for dips and other casseroles, it might be a money saver. Do some comparison shopping before you go to the store. Look at the unit price and only buy items with a price per unit cheaper than you find at your favorite grocery store.

Prepared Meals

Depending on the size of your family, you can save big when you buy a prepared meal. Grocery stores like Kroger offer dinners that serve six people and include a main dish, side dishes, rolls, and a dessert for around $100. You place your order, pick up the meal the day before and reheat it at home. Some stores even offer holiday pickup and keep everything heated, letting you serve dinner quickly and without any hard work. Compare the cost of the prepared meal against the cost of making it yourself and pick the cheapest.

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