How to Prepare for the Scholastic Testing Service HSPT (High School Proficiency Test)

The Scholastic Testing Service provides the High School Proficiency Test (HSPT) as a high school admissions tool. Students seeking admission to certain high schools should learn how to prepare for the HSPT test to increase the odds of getting accepted.

There is an Open and Closed HSPT, both of which are only available for testing through participating high schools. Contact schools you would like to enroll in to take the test. You may not directly sign up through the Scholastic Testing Service to take the High School Proficiency Test.

STS does not really provide much guidance in the way of preparing for the HSPT. It does have a pre-HSPT that can be used as a practice test. This practice test, like the real thing, can only be taken through participating schools. Contact schools in your area if you would like to take this practice exam. It is an excellent way to get used to the test format and exam atmosphere. And you will not be penalized if you score badly on this pre-HSPT.

STS does have some sample sets (practice tests). Again, though, these are not sold to students directly. You will have to contact a school and find out who has purchased these. You may then be able to use the practice tests if the school gives a workshop or other program on the HSPT.

Other than general test-taking tips, however, the only other thing that Scholastic Testing Service points to for preparing for the High School Proficiency Test is a study guide published by Barron’s and the Research and Education Association. This Barron’s guide also serves as a study guide for the Cooperative Assessment Exam and the Test for Admission to Catholic High Schools because all of these high school entrance exams have similar content.

This guide has subject reviews to help you learn what kinds of material may be tested on the HSPT and two practice tests for each of the 3 different proficiency tests. As of August 2011, you may purchase the book online for $15.29.

Warning: By rule of the Scholastic Testing Service, the HSPT is supposed to be taken only once. The lower score will be the one to count if a student takes it more than once. So there is no benefit and the possible detriment of a lower score if a student takes the HSPT again. Obviously, this also means that students need to thoroughly prepare before taking the exam the first time since they get only one bite at this particular apple.


Scholastic Testing Service: HSPT Frequently Asked Questions

Barron’s: High School Proficiency Test Study Guide

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