Hell Came to Port Richmond: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Want You to Hear About Hate Crimes Against White People

Late Friday night Mark and Kim Lavelle put their twin boys down to bed for the evening and were expecting a quit night at home. This could not be further from the truth. Before the night was over Lavelle would be asked for help from two young men he did not know and then have a mob descend on his home and savagely beat him in addition to having a gun put in his face.

What would start something like this? You would figure something pretty big for people to behave in such a savage way wouldn’t you? Well it turns out this was over some minority kid falling off a bike and some white kids laughing at him. No racial slurs or anything like that (that would still not have given the blacks and Latinos the right to act the way they did) were uttered. Well apparently the kid with the coordination problem on the bike goes and tells an older friend or relative and then a mob of blacks and Latinos go out looking for “white boys”. The mob apparently found two and started chasing them with pipes, bats and one thug was brandishing a gun. They end up outside the home of Lavelle and he tells them to go inside (he estimated the ages of the young white kids at 13-14). He tries to calm the racially motivated mob numbering up to 70 thugs, but to no avail and goes inside. The mob them starts pounding on the doors and windows and then are about to break in. Lavelle tells the boys, his sons and wife to go upstairs. The mob then broke into his house by kicking the front door. He was hit by a pipe by the first thug and the second guy punches him in the face. Lavelle said “All I’m hearing is my wife and kids screaming”. He feared that the next time they saw him; he would be in a “casket.” Lavelle was then able to fight back and start to push some of the bangers out the door when one thug shoved a gun through the door. Lavelle grabbed the man as he heard the police coming. When the mob heard the sirens they scattered like roaches when the lights come on. Lavelle was able to identify three of the thugs who were promptly arrested. Two of them, including the man with the gun, were adults and the other was a juvenile.

You would think that the ordeal would be over, but not in this case. The next day the mother (aka baby mama) of one of the kids arrested came to Lavelle’s house and threatened him. It should not surprise anyone that this “lady” did not believe in accountability and made the issue all about race. Lavelle said, the mother yelled at him, ‘You white mother–, you got my kid locked up! You got my son locked up because he’s black, you’re white!” The mother went on to say her son was just “checking out the action” and not one of the attackers. Lavelle simply told her that it would “come out in court” if that were the case. But the mother, according to Lavelle, then yelled: ‘If you make it to court! I know where you live!”. This sounds like a threat to me. Not receiving help from the police or media Lavelle “hiding out” in fear for his safety.

Now attacking anyone for their race is just plainly wrong, but what ticks me off is you would usually never hear of this unless the thugs had been white and attacked a black kid. It would be front page news, Sharpton and Jackson would be out in force talking about how the “evil white man” keeps them down. Why is it that many, not all by any means, minorities and their parents won’t take responsibility for their own actions and blame the acts they commit on race? It makes no sense to me. If someone is black and they commit a crime they committed a crime. IF someone is white and commits a crime he committed a crime. The problem is many try to excuse the actions of minorities. How does this special treatment and avoidance of responsibility help anyone, especially young black men? I am sure this will not be treated as a hate crime. There is no doubt that it was a hate crime though. By now we should be aware there is a double standard of how people are judged in this country and crimes against white people by minorities often do not get reported as the hate crimes they are.

Stuff like this really gets me. We hear liberals talk about the achievement divide and then those same liberals say nothing about this and almost say “the devil made them do it” People need to be responsible for their actions and parents need to raise their kids to be respectable and not thugs. Of those 70 people in the mob I would be shocked if at least 50 where not on public assistance (or their family), from single parent homes and generational welfare queens. What most of these people are too stupid to know is the liberals they worship want to keep them on the government plantation of special rights for some and public assistance. Do you really think if white liberals wanted life to get better for people in the inner cities or blacks and Latinos that they would have done it by now? So why does nothing change? It is really easy. You see if blacks and other groups generally better themselves then white liberals can’t count on those groups to mindlessly vote for them like the 2008 elections ( Are blacks any better off?).

This is what America is coming to. This is what liberals are doing to this country. I am sure those thugs will skate on most of the charges. They better be really lucky that I was not there instead of Lavelle. I am fully aware of the law in Pennsylvania and would have shot the first one through the door any others still there. Under most state laws I would have been within my legal rights. The sad truth is there would still be calls from groups like the ACLU, NAACP, LA RAZA and other anti-American groups that would call for my head for defending myself, but think of all the tax dollars that I would save the citizens of the state just by shooting the three who would have attacked Mr. Lavelle were shot by him in his home.

It is thugs like these, and people of all races do these things, that I advise all decent Americans to buy guns and learn how to shoot. Get a permit to carry it if it is at all possible. A gun might just save your life.

Thank you for reading.

God Bless you and God Bless America.

Sources and for further reading.



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