Frustrated Angry Americans, Are Politicians Listening?

Does anyone believe American politicians hear the concerns, frustration and angry voices of the American people? Does anyone remember the advertisement about the dog whose owner was talking to him, but he only heard a word here and there? Doesn’t this commercial reflect our politicians’ lack of listening to the voice of America?

Each time a news article is published about foreign aid, the latest on money Pakistan rejected that could have been used at some decrepit maternity hospital, politicians should read the blog comments below and realize (perhaps even be concerned about) the comments from Americans bristle with anger and frustration that we continue to send money to the world, but fail our citizens.

Debate, debate and more debate, but where are the plausible solutions? Are Americans now in limbo until the next round of useless elections where more promises will be made, and Americans will sink deeper into frustration and despair? Nothing is more frustrating to many Americans than to have concerns such as job creation, job protection, unemployment extensions, and so forth be held up by Senators or Representatives who balk at making decisions to help their fellow Americans.

Our politicians refuse to take stands because they want to ensure reelection to their coveted offices. They tack on so many additional measures, perks, pet projects on bills that the overall bill fails because we do not use line by line veto. If finger pointing was a measure of success, politicians would share in a high rate of success as they are quick to blame others for what they fail to do for Americans.

The first change Americans must demand is the term limit of senators and representatives, such as the President must adhere. We have sufficient bright experienced people who could transition into offices as others transition out. Over experience many NOT always provide an advantage and no one person in either house should have tremendous power. Beyond two terms, politicians tend to be more concerned about becoming career politicians than the welfare of Americans.

Millionaire politicians concern many Americans because their lives do NOT reflect the average American and they are far removed from the daily struggles of housing, food, education and medical care. Imagine the benefits they receive for being elected officials are only dreams for most Americans. Political office should be a privilege, a responsibility, not a pension and CEO salary career.

Elections should be run by a certain amount of money provided by a special fund for parties seeking office. Individuals and corporations should NOT donate money because their money has hidden stipulations, agendas and come with strings attached. Elections should be open to all candidates, not the super-rich or candidates who can raise hundreds of millions. How did elections become so costly?

When average Americans hold offices, our concerns will be heard. Average Americans would not allow much less reward corporations with tax shelters and loopholes for American job loss. Average Americans would work with corporations to protect American interests in manufacturing, services and other sectors of the American economy. Quality and cost effective production can bring jobs back to America. Tax assistance to corporations creating American jobs should be the incentive for job creation and retention.

Taxes would be fair and everyone would pay a fair share of the tax bill. No one says people should not become rich, even super rich, BUT they should also pay their fair share of taxes as well. A flat tax would help balance out taxes. The tax laws and structure are so cumbersome, a flat tax would eliminate errors, misunderstandings, loopholes and other shelters that allow others a privilege so few Americans enjoy.

The Wall Street occupation and other city occupations are reminiscent of the Americans who demanded an end to the Vietnam War. They continued to pursue their cause until the conflict was ended. Americans must talk louder so our voices are heard by politicians. Americans must raise their voices and stand up for their rights, to a say how tax money is spent, how long politicians serve, affordable housing and medical care, jobs, illegal immigration, education, age bias in the workplace and a hundred other important causes. When we remain silent nothing changes and our frustration and anger continue to grow.

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