Emotion: the Sauce of Life

“Man is a social animal”

The above mentioned statement is perhaps a very clichéd one. However, it contains an inherent paradox which makes it very interesting and definitely worth close examination. The keywords in this statement are social and animal. The word social refers to the act of living in well-organized groups called a society. Being social implies behaving in a way that cordial relationships are maintained; hence dependence is the key to being social.

The word animal is taken to mean any organism which has very raw mannerisms and furthermore has the ability to express itself without any restrictions. The keywords as defined here do not gel well. Hence there is a clear cut paradox.

It would be wrong to consider the above mentioned statement incorrect because of the apparent paradox. A closer look is needed to understand the true meaning of the statement.

Man lives in society and behaves in accordance with certain established norms. He loses his free-spirit because of this fact. Hence, man is definitely a social being.

A psychological study reveals that every man has a subconscious mind wherein reside his natural instincts. Every human subconsciously desires the complete freedom of expression regardless of any man-made barriers. These subconscious desires come to the forefront when man is subjected to extreme conditions. Hence, man is a social “animal.”

So if man is indeed an animal what makes him different from other animals? Should he also not be chained, tamed and treated like others?

The answer to this question is very simple. The almighty gave man an evolved brain and a vulnerable heart. The brain is concerned with the logical aspects of life. The heart is considered to be the seat of emotions and feelings. It is going to be this aspect that we are going to focus on.

As stated at the very beginning the seat of all our non-logic related activities is the heart. The heart deals with feelings and emotions. In order to understand this aspect fully a proper understanding of emotions and feelings is necessary.

The words feelings and emotions are often used interchangeably. However, there is a small difference between the two. The word feeling means response to any event which affects us and makes an impact on our physical, social, personal or any other aspects of our life. The word emotion means a very intense feeling.

There are basically two types of feelings: positive feelings and negative feelings. Positive feelings are characterized by high self-esteem. They increase our constructive energy. Their impact on us is highly beneficial. Negative feelings are characterized by low self-esteem. They appeal to our destructive energy. Their impact on our lives can be detrimental.

Hence, feelings are a double-edged sword. Our basic aim in life should be to maximize positive feelings and minimize negative points. Before we touch upon this aspect it is important to identify negative and positive feelings. Sad, bad, mad, and happy are the four states which describe the feelings associated with our lives. It is clear that only the last state can be interpreted as positive while the others are negative. Essentially, happiness is the only positive feeling. Joy, glee, excitement, etc are modifications of happiness. Having made this point clear I would now like to revert to the point I made earlier. Since happiness is the only positive feeling, our aim in life is to maximize happiness. Since happiness is an abstract concept, finding sources of happiness seems to be a difficult idea. However, it is not so. Happiness can be found in almost each and every thing. Before elaborating I would like to mention here that this aspect is often overlooked in today’s fast and advanced day and age. As the youth of today try to seek happiness in materialistic things such as cars, jewels, etc which are temporary,. they end up maximizing their negative feelings.

It is now time to touch upon the sources of happiness in today’s world. Happiness can be found in the most basic, seemingly insignificant and remote sources. There is happiness in the first rains of the season. There is happiness in a well-cooked meal. There is happiness in a warm hug. There is happiness in watching flowers bloom and so on.

The above mentioned sources are easy to find and the impact of these sources is immense. Hence, if we change our perception of the world we will be a better place.

I would now like to mention a perennial source of happiness for me.

I find happiness every time I listen to the song “Om namo narayan” from the film dasavatram. The song has a tremendous soulful quality coupled with rich lyrics and excellent orchestration which make me feel whole. The song has a very strong connection with my soul. Its rich orchestration is able to transport me emotionally to a different world altogether.

This song makes me feel proud to be an Indian because not only does it reveal that we have a wealth of talent but also surveys the rich cultural depth of our country.

I do not say that the song is one that everyone has to like but for me it is a song which has changed my life. The lyrics have also made a brilliant impact on my mind and have revealed what strong faith can do.

Hence, I would like to say that if the youth of today do indeed realize the true meaning of happiness and derive it from simple sources like I just mentioned the world would be a better place with a happier youth and a better future.

Be happy

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