Eating Healthy (While) at the Office

75% of office workers (or those still employed; lucky you!) eat at their desks two or three times a week, according to the American Dietetic Association. If you’re one of those 75%, you can:

Prepare a protein-filled lunch the evening before, using tuna, lean meat or lean turkey to make sandwiches or add to salads.

If a microwave’s available (and if it’s useable; I’ve worked in places where it was so filthy-the spilled food was never wiped up, thus becoming embedded into the microwave. Ewww!), bring some healthy leftovers. Foods With A High Water Content, such as broth, apples, or salads will also add a feeling of fullness and are a great low-calorie way to start your lunch-or they can just be your lunch alone.

Does your company have an office fridge? Check it out first; make sure it’s kept clean, functioning properly and there’s no theft going on (because some people will steal your lunch. Any lunch. Even one you made while sick or with a cold!). Once you’ve accessed the situation and have ascertained that the fridge is safe is to use, stock up with low-fat yogurt (it’s particularly good in ice cream form!), cheese with whole-grain crackers, natural peanut butter, raw veggies and salsa (which makes for a great fat-free dip).

For decades, the vending machine-an office/company staple-has always consisted of soda pop, chocolate bars, chips, and the funny-looking cracker snacks (that may or may not taste good). But in recent years, healthy alternative vending machines have sprung forth (or the regular vending snacks are being supplemented by healthy alternatives, sometimes side by side), with offerings such as veggie chips, real fruit juices, carrot and/or cheese sticks, and yogurt (among other options) to give people viable choices.

For decades, the vending machine industry has been a big factor regarding America’s growing obesity. But when presented with better snack choices, perhaps these same vending machines can be used to begin a reversal of the problem they helped create.

If your office does not have a healthy vending machine or offer healthy options with the one you have, try a “lesser evil” snack; go for baked, low-salt or natural potato chips instead of the regular kind or perhaps Raisinets (those chocolate-covered raisins) or the peanut M & Ms instead of those really gooey, caramel, chocolate, butterscotch and whipped cream all-rolled-into-one candy bars. You can also split your snack in half and share it with a co-worker (less fat and calories for both of you). Or you can just have a designated “vending machine” day; pick a day (or maybe two, but no more than that if you’re really “addicted“) to “fall off the wagon.” Indulge. Because it’s hard to resist the doughnuts (there’s always a box of doughnuts somewhere), home-baked goodies or chocolate candy!

Then sin no more until the next designated day. You’ll be surprised by how your body-and mind!-will adjust.

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