Compensation Claims Explained

The no win no fee claim has helped plenty of people in the past few years to claim the damages that they are entitled to for a loss or injury that they have sustained through no fault of their own. Personal injury can come in several diverse varieties and a considerable amount of people don’t really understand what a personal injury is and if they can even claim for an accident or trauma they have had in the past. To define the term personal injury is basically an accident or loss that is not your fault. Now the injury may not be the fault of any individual directly or it could be caused by the direct actions of another person.
Here are a number of examples of the types of personal injury that have been effectively claimed for in the past few years. For lawful and personal privacy purposes in this article all the names and personal details have been omitted.
Example 1
Mrs G from Southport was using an aluminium step ladder to gain access to a loft space, while Mrs G was climbing the ladder part of the alloy locking system failed the ladder to fail. Mrs G fell from the attic opening around seven feet high and broke her foot. Ok this instance seems like there nobody to pin the consequence on but Mrs G was awarded reasonable compensation for her injured ankle joint. The aluminium ladder had not been entirely tested by the company who manufactured the product and they were required to pay out the damages for the injury. This sort of compensation claim could in fact cover any type of appliance or product on the market today. Any kind of item offered for sale needs to be completely tested for safety concerns before it goes on sale. If you have had any sort of accident like this it is highly recommended to contact a no win no fee consultant to see if you have a case or not.
Example 2
Mr X had an accident while in work on account of an oil patch that had been left unattended. The resulting fall brought about a severe knee injury and a lot of pain in the following months. The corporation was fined and was also required to pay Mr X compensation for his injuries. This form of accident is very clear cut as there is an obvious place to point the finger of blame i.e. the firm for not making sure that the leakage was attended to promptly. But as in the above case it is still a case of negligence and although the two situations are unique they both share one common factor and that is the carelessness that caused the accident to take place.
The circumstances of the accident might be different from case to case but if you feel that you have suffered as a result of some one else’s neglectfulness then you should get in touch with a no win no fee solicitor as they will be able to evaluate your case and determine whether or not you have the grounds for a claim for compensation. Almost all no win no fee law companies will take on a claim that has happened in the last three years so it is well worth the cost of a telephone call to see if you can claim.
To understand more about no win no fee claims please have a look at Personal Injury Solicitors Liverpool for more advice.

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