Coenzyme Q10 – a Proven Stroke Treatment in 3 Pills

Coenzyme Q10 – A Proven Stroke Treatment in 3 Pills


There are 3 unrefuted scientific treatments that aid stroke recovery.

Coenzyme Q10




Coenzyme Q10 helps stroke victims recover.

“We report an unexpected favorable recovery from a complicated cerebral hemorrhage that is consistent with the remarkable results obtained for animal models of stroke using coenzyme Q10.” (John T.A. Ely, Ph.D.; H.Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.; Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.; John D.Branch, D.O.).

“Because of increasing worldwide use of Q10, we are able serendipitously to report on possibly the first observation of a human recovering almost completely from unexpected and severe stroke following four weeks of pretreatment with Q10 at a pharmacologic dose commonly employed for a wide variety of disorders.” (John T.A. Ely, Ph.D.; H.Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.; Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.; John D.Branch, D.O.).

Cells don’t immediately die from a stroke, as was once thought, rather they are heavily compromised due to lack of oxygen. “Neurons within the penumbra are functionally impaired but not yet dead.” (Eng H. Lo, PhD; Michael A. Moskowitz, MD; Thomas P. Jacobs, PhD, 2004).

Coenzyme Q10 is the catalyst of all energy production in each and every cell in the human body. CoQ10 functions in every cell of the body to synthesize energy.

The highest concentrations of coenzyme Q10 in the body in descending order is the heart, kidney, liver, pancreas and brain.

Supplementing with high dosages of coenzyme Q10 energetically invigorates all cells in the human body, particularly the brain and the heart. In a recent study, CoQ10 ubiquinol produced a 56% increase in cellular energy production in the brain. (Pharmacologyonline. 2009;1:817-25).

Mice fed coenzyme Q10 and induced with stroke had almost no damage compared to the control group. (Dr. Jean Cahn et al 1981).

Mice fed coenzyme Q10 lived 56% longer compared to the control group. (Bliznakov, Biochemical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme Q10, 1981).

“We conclude that CoQ10 has a protective effect on the brain from infarction and atrophy induced by ischemic injury in aged and susceptible transgenic mice.” (John T.A. Ely, Ph.D.; H.Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.; Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.; John D.Branch, D.O.).

“In 26 years of animal model stroke studies, one substance that afforded a markedly higher degree of protection than all others tested was a normal endogenous molecule, coenzyme Q10″. (John T.A. Ely, Ph.D.; H.Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.; Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.; John D.Branch, D.O.).

“From human clinical trials in cardiology, cancer and infectious disease alone it appears that significant improvements in health and major decreases in cost of health care are associated with Q10 supplementation.” (Langsjoen, PH. Introduction to Coenzyme Q10, 1995. On Univ of Wash).


Read the science. CoQ10 protects the brain.

“We report an unexpected favorable recovery from a complicated cerebral hemorrhage that is consistent with the remarkable results obtained for animal models of stroke using coenzyme Q10.” (John T.A. Ely, Ph.D.; H.Hugh Fudenberg, M.D.; Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.; John D.Branch, D.O.).

“We conclude that CoQ10 has a protective effect on the brain from infarction and atrophy induced by ischemic injury in aged and susceptible transgenic mice.” (Geng Li, Liangyu Zoub, Clifford R. Jack Jr. C, Yihong Yang D, Edward S. Yangad, Hong Kong, Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, 2005).

“Gerbil survival to 40 days following carotid ligation induction of ischemic stroke, was 45% on Q10, over twice the 20% on naloxone, the second best agent tested (no deaths occurred after day 4 and the experiments were terminated at day 40)”. (Norio Ogawaa, Shuji Tsukamotoa, Yukiko Hirosea and Hiroo Kuroda* a Institute for Neurobiology Okayama University Medical School, Japan 1985).

“CoQ10 supplementation is beneficial in the prevention, treatment or cure of heart disease, stroke, cancer, viral diseases including AIDS, etc. CoQ10 slowed aging markedly, restored youthful thymic response to viruses and tumors, and extended lifespan 50% when given to very old mice.” (Bliznakov, 1973).

Safety and efficacy of CoQ10 has been demonstrated in numerous very large clinical trials. (Langsjoen 1995; Langsjoen and Langsjoen 1999; Ely and Krone 2000).


About coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone and ubiquinol (the reduced version that the body uses and thereby the more effective form of coenzyme Q10), is an essential component of the mitochondria, the energy producing unit of each and every cell in the human body. Every single body process and function requires coenzyme Q10. The body uses coenzyme Q10 to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), needed for cellular energy production and cell growth. Coenzyme Q10 is also a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage that could potentially lead to cancer. Coenzyme Q10 is produced by the body with highest concentrations in organs such as the brain, heart, liver, and kidney. After being absorbed into the body, more than 90% of CoQ10 is converted to its active form, known as (CoQH2-10) or ubiquinol. Ubiquinol has strong antioxidant properties. Conditions that cause oxidative stress on the body, like liver disease, decrease the ratio of ubiquinol to CoQ10. Coenzyme Q10 is used as a treatment for numerous conditions and continues to develop a reputation as a miracle vitamin and is recommended and studied as a potential treatment for cardiac, neurologic, oncologic, and immunologic disorders. Coenzyme Q10 production by the body peaks by early 20’s and drops steadily thereafter and drops quicker in disease states. Animal models have proven that coenzyme q10 supplementation not only lengthens life but also enhances the “quality” of life.


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This article has been written by Stroke Ally for information purposes only. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, you should contact a physician or other qualified health care provider for consultation, diagnosis and/or treatment. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-diagnosis or treatment based on anything you have seen or read on this website. For more information about how to use this site, please see our Terms of Use.


Pieckenhagen, Curt Pieckenhagen, Curt-Michael Pieckenhagen

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