Chalk Art for Children

We have all seen children drawing on driveways and sidewalks with colored chalk. Sometimes, we enjoy looking at it. At other times, we can find it to be unattractive. We should encourage chalk art. Many schools have cut art programs because of the bad economic times. The only art and craft projects that children can get is at home or at civic or church functions. The great thing about chalk art is that it washes and cleans quick and easily. This article will give you some suggestions for enhancing chalk art.

Step One; Find a good location. Backyard patios, driveways and sidewalks are great locations. However, I recommend concrete floors in basements and garages. If they are dry areas, these are great locations for children to work. They can take their time and do masterful work without worrying about rain or being erased.

Step Two; Provide large colored sticks of chalk. Larger sticks can cover more area quickly. You can find them at your local art store, Walmart, Kmart and even Office Supply. Make sure you get all colors. You can keep them in large box or plastic container.

Step Three; Provide ideas. You can use magazines, posters, pictures, postcards , objects and designs for children to copy. Many times a child will select an idea and run with it. This helps with the creativity of a child.

Step Four; Provide verbal and visual encouragement to the child/children. You can take pictures or video their work in progress.

Step Five; Keep the chalk art work as long as possible. We all know it can be cleaned up quickly.

Step Six; Display your child’s art to others. Grandparents really get a charge out of it. Art is a form of expression. Let the child show it off to others.

Step Seven; Let the child explain what they were doing with their project. This is a way to let them explain as well as express their art intentions.

Step Eight; Clean Up. Encourage your children to clean up their mess. This is just as important as doing the chalk art. You can work with them if you want.

Chalk art is an excellent form of self expression. It is inexpensive and can encourage children to advance other forms of art work. As a parent, you will enjoy watching the pictures your child does.

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