Big Brother 13 Episode 17 HOH/Nomination Show Recap

Big Brother 13 Episode 17

HOH/Nomination Show Recap

The episode starts with the houseguests reactions to Brendon coming back in the game. Kalia says how it’s her worst nightmare. While, Daniele says it’s the worst case scenario. Jordan is ecstatic because she won’t have to babysit Rachel anymore. Daniele also says, it was her biggest fear to have Brendon and Rachel back in the game.

When they go back in the house, they watch as Brendon’s face lights back up on the memory wall, and Lawon’s goes black and white. Brendon celebrates by jumping on the table and says it’s good to be back in the house. Jordan calls Brendon and Rachel into the room with Jeff, Shelly & Adam, and they all celebrate by jumping up and down and hugging. Porsche is left standing alone in the kitchen. She goes to the bedroom with Daniele and Kalia, who are already pissed off, and tells them about them celebrating. They are mad because they see now that Shelly and Adam aren’t with them.

Rachel fills Brendon in on what has been going on in the house. She tells him how Daniele and Kalia mistreated and threatened her this week. Then she tells him how she heard Shelly tell Jordan that they should have a final three deal. Whatever Jordan and Shelly said, it was pretty stupid of them to talk while Rachel was laying there, even if they thought she was asleep.

HOH Competition

The HOH competition is played later that night. The houseguests have 10 minutes to look at items connected to the states the remaining houseguests are from. They have to guess how many items each station has, with the one who is the furthest off, being knocked out of the competition. The last person standing will be the new HOH.

The first question is, how many Mardi Gras necklaces are hanging from a tree? Rachel is the furthest off, so she is eliminated from the competition. Daniele tells us how this game is starting off great, with Rachel being the first out. The next question is how many pepperonis are on two giant pizzas? Jordan is knocked out in that round. Next question is, what is the total number of olives in a martini glass? Brendon is knocked out in that round. The next question is, how many playing cards are on a table? Jeff is furthest away, so he is eliminated from the competition. Daniele can’t believe how great this is looking for her. The next question is how many baseballs are in two giant gloves? Shelly is furthest away and is eliminated. Leaving Adam as the only member of the 6 person alliance to battle against Daniele and Porsche. The next question is, how many rivets are on a airplane propeller? Adam is furthest away, so he is eliminated. So one by one the six person alliance dropped out, leaving only Porsche and Daniele. The last question is how many gold coins are in a chest? Daniele is the closest so she is the new HOH.

After the competition Daniele, Porsche and Kalia are celebrating and Rachel walks in on them and start kissing up. She congratulates Daniele, and awkwardly hugs her. Later on, Daniele and Kalia are talking and Daniele says how she is done with Shelly, and how she is going to make everyone s**t in their pants this week.

Adam goes up to the HOH room to talk to Daniele and tries to do damage control. He offered to not nominate her next week if she keeps him safe this week. Daniele tells him that she needs to think about it. The next person up is Shelly. She knows that Daniele and Kalia aren’t happy with her, so she has to try to fix the issues that they have with her. She tells them that she doesn’t know how to hang out and be cool like them. She does her normal kissing up that she does, but Daniele isn’t buying any of it. Kalia doesn’t like it because Shelly asks to talk to Daniele alone.

After going back downstairs, Shelly overhears Porsche and Kalia talking about her, so she calls them out on it. Porsche tells Shelly that she knows that she tried to make a final three deal with Brendon and Rachel. They flashback to a scene that happened 11 days earlier where Shelly asks if they would ever consider taking her to the end. They didn’t show where any final three deal was struck.

Next, we have Brendon and Rachel going to talk to Daniele. They don’t show much of the talk but it went on for over a hour. They just kept going on and on, throwing everyone they could under the bus and then tried to make a final three deal with Daniele. They even try to get Daniele to put up Jeff, who is suppose to be in an alliance with them. Daniele tells them that she will think about it, and she does.

During the nomination ceremony Daniele has a hard time picking who she wants to put up. After weighing her options she finally puts up Adam and Shelly.

The next episode we will see the POV competition and the replacement nomination, if there is one.

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