Beyonce Knowles from Maple Syrup Diet to Pregnancy Diet

We all know Beyonce as a beautiful super diva. She and other stars like her know how important it is to keep their image. In her line of work it’s not too surprising that critics can become hard core. Her body image is always on the judgement seat. So you can imagine what keeps this girl in shape both body and mind. When you see her on camera she is an epiphany of health and seduction. How does she do it? She’s been known to try a slew of diets such as the Maple Syrup Diet and Low Carbohydrate Diet.

The Maple Syrup Diet Beyonce Knowles is well known for is not really a diet, but a detoxifying cleanse. It can also be known as the “Master Cleanse” or the “Lemonade Diet”. It’s originator is Mr. Stanley Burroughs. He originally published this in the 1940’s and included it in one of his popular books “The Master Cleanser and Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.” The Madal Bal Syrup used in her diet provides energy, energy for the body and mind, but in liquid form so that it is easily absorbed. Lemon juice has a healthy alkalizing cleansing effect on the body while the cayenne pepper adds heat to increase circulation.

Fad diets like the Maple Syrup Diet has been severely scrutinized as it only achieves temporary weight loss. So once the diet is stopped, usually the weight returns. The diet is short term, less than a week, and not recommended long term due to it’s lack of nutrition. Prolong dieting with any kind of fad diet can lead to major organ failure and other types of diseases connected with malnutrition.

Does Beyonce look like she’s malnutritioned? Highly unlikely…You can pretty much say she’s probably put this diet up on the shelf at least for now. She’s been known to keep a healthy low-carbohydrate diet most of the time. But, with motherhood in tow, she is well to eat for two. Even graced as a pregnant beauty on Bazaar Magazine, she is the height of sexy elegance. Her glowing skin and extra plump is expected in a normal pregnancy.

Eventhough you may not be having the hoopla like Beyonce, you sure can achieve the glow of motherhood by taking proper care of yourself and your extra little person growing inside of you. Here are some tips.

Make sure to find a great doctor to check your health and your baby’s health regularly. Your doctor will most likely start you on vitamins . Although, vitamins and minerals cannot replace a regular diet, extra supplementation gives extra support. If needed or desired a nutritionist can offer great counsel as well. The UDSA Dietary Guidelines new color-coded MyPyramid introduced in 2005 gives great information on what pregnant and nursing women should eat. Go to From this website you get your own “Daily Food Plan for Moms”. As you enter your information, an estimation of what and how much you should eat will be given.

The first three months of pregnancy or first trimester is a crucial period in terms of setting a good stage for baby to grow properly. According to the Semin Perinatol February 28, 2004 research, fetal disorders are higher for babies when diet is restricted.

Like Beyonce, her baby glow can be well-maintained with proper care. USDA recommendations focus on weight management, physical activity and food groups that include proper amounts of fats, carbohydrates, sodium and potassium, and food safety. Avoid alcohol consumption at all expense.

If providing for your baby may be an issue make sure to check out USDA’s WIC Program and SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. Like the celebrities you and your baby have the opportunity to have a great pregnancy glow while providing all that your need.

USDA recommends about 6 oz. of grains such as fortified cereals and wheat germ; 2.5 cups of vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, cooked greens, winter squash, tomatoes & sauce and red sweet pepper; 2 cups of fruit such as cantaloupe, melon, mangoes, prunes & prune juice, bananas, apricots, oranges & orange juice, grapefruit and avocado;3 cups of milk fat-free or yogurt, skim or 1% and soymilk; and and 5.5 oz. of meats and beans each day. These servings can increase during the second and third trimesters by about one extra ounce or cup per day.

So to all the moms-to-be out there, you too can have a healthy pregnancy like Beyonce.

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