5 Ways to Shrink Your Stress

Being a mom can be extremely stressful, especially when you add work or school into the mix. Stress is an extremely common occurrence among mothers around the world, but you don’t have to succumb to it! Letting yourself blow off some steam is vital to keep your cool when you need it and continue being the best parent you can be. Besides, stress causes unwanted physical side effects like blemishing, dark circles, and hair loss. Here are five simply ways to cool off and wind down.


Some people call it journaling, some call it keeping a diary, and some don’t really call it anything. However, there is something extremely significant about putting what’s in your brain onto paper (or in this century, computer) that helps to cool you off. Writing how frustrated you are about your child leaving the peanut butter on the counter helps you to identity why you’re really stressed out. Or you could simply realize it’s silly to get so worked up over peanut butter and you find yourself laughing and in a better mood. You don’t have to journal every day, but try to write out a few feelings when your emotions are running strong. Getting it out of your brain and onto some medium through your hands can play a big part in keeping your cool.

Find a Hobby

Every mom needs “me time.” What is something you’re passionate about? Writing, drawing, photography, fishing, scrapbooking, playing with small animals… All of these things you can set aside time to do each week and have some alone time. Some of these hobbies can actual benefit your family, such as scrapbooking or photography. You can work on family heritage scrapbooks or taking pictures of your kids playing in the sprinklers while having you’re “me time.” It’s a win-win: you have a creative outlet, while removing yourself from the hustle and bustle of every day laundry and clean-up duty. If you’re not the creative type, but have a passion for animals or helping people, you can volunteer once a week at different non-profit organizations. This can allow you some time out of the house and help you to socialize with new people while doing what you love.

Pamper Yourself

Taking care of yourself physically is an easy thing for a busy mom to forget. Do you remember the last time you had your nails or hair done? What about the last time you got a massage? Take some time each week to treat yourself nicely. Pampering yourself doesn’t have to break the bank either. There are lots of at-home remedies and stress relievers you can use to decompress. Take a bubble bath with some relaxing bath salts or listen to your favorite music while giving yourself a pedicure. If you can get away from home for a little bit, call some women for a spa day. Most spas give great group discounts, so everyone can afford some relaxing rejuvenation! If doing your nails and getting massages isn’t your cup of tea, allow yourself to indulge in a guilty pleasure. Put your feet up and read that new trashy novel you’ve heard so much about. Whatever you do, allow yourself to relax and restore.

Build a Network

It’s a proven fact that moms need other moms. Whether it’s your next door neighbor, mother in law, or the PTA committee at your child’s elementary school, build a network! Have a list of numbers handy so you can connect with other moms in your free time. This is also a great resource if you need help figuring out arrangements for a birthday party or you want to borrow the cookbook your neighbor used to make that awesome casserole. However, this network can go way beyond helpful favors every once in a while. Set up a one night a week girl’s night with your network of moms and go out for drinks. You can also rely on your network when you just need a friendly ear to listen to your frustrations and concerns. Moms aren’t perfect, but we often strive to be. When falling short of perfection and experiencing disappointment, you can count on your trusty network of moms to tell you they did the same thing last week.

Get Moving

Physical exercise and movement has been proven time after time to help with depression, anxiety, and stress. Physical movement releases feel good endorphins so you can relax. You don’t need to run a marathon to feel less stressed, but a simply twenty minute walk every day can do wonders. If you don’t have the ability to get out of the house for a short walk, you can stretch in your own home. Stretching and breathing helps to relax your mind, body, and best of all, you muscles. There are a wide variety of at-home yoga and pilate workouts available on TV, Internet or DVD if you have the space to get on the floor in front of the TV. This physical exercise not only helps your stress levels, but you’ll ultimately feel better as you notice the results in your body. You won’t only look stronger, but you’ll feel stronger mentally. A little exercise can go a long way in remaining calm when life gets hard.

Stress doesn’t have to be a part of your life and it doesn’t have to hold you back from doing the things you want to in life. Use these simply tools to help yourself stay calm, cool, and collected in the face of anything. When you feel better, you act better. Keeping the stress out of your busy-enough life will enable you to be a better parent and have a more meaningful relationship with your children.

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